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It's hard to picture Marcus Smythe's Peter as a sounding board for Marley or mixed with Felicia/Rachel but with the right amount of break for the character and a good recast this probably would have worked. The writing for Peter with Marcus Smythe wasn't the best for him, that's for sure. I think he was a good enough actor that had to do the best he could with what he had to work with.

I think what they did to Nicole's character-making her Jason's killer then turn psycho- was a travesty. I would have liked to have seen Nicole get out of prison somehow right after the death of Frankie. It would have been interesting to see Cass' reaction having lost the love of his life yet Nicole is a free woman roaming around...especially after terrorizing Frankie. They could have played out the beats of Felicia's reaction as well (since she was initially arrested for it and sat in jail without Nicole coming forward). They could have redeemed Nicole in a way as she struggled to overcome the stigma of a "murderer" even from her own family.

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Surfing on YouTube today, I found the closing credits to the episode where Matthew confronts Mitch after he finds out from Aunt Liz the way he was conceived. Wish the entire episode was on YouTube...

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It's interesting to read that the original concept of the show when it premiered seemed to be a combination of The Secret Storm (with one branch of the Matthews family reeling from the recent death of the father.. with the tensions between Liz/Susan and the weird transference of emotional spousal from her late husband to her only son Bill)... and As the world Turns (with the other branch of the Matthews family with a working father, supportive wife, and three children with only Pat starting off with angst while Alice and Russ were supporting/greek chorus).

I can see what Irna Phillips was trying to do.. but she really couldn't merge those aspects together... and I can see why she only lasted a year or so before she departed.

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So I've been re-watching a lot of AW in the 90s, so I wanted to ask, what was the general feeling towards early 90s characters like Jenna? Dean? Morgan? Kelsey?

I already know that people loved Lorna b/c she was that great AW vixen turned heroine liked great characters before her [Rachel, Felicia, Donna, Vicky, Paulina]. Which on that topic, I noticed that AW excelled at turning a vixen good but not annoying like other shows. Yes, they declawed them but they still had some spunk. Anyone have any idea why? Other soaps seem to fail at this.

Also, I hate that they got rid of Jamie around the early 90s. Especially when the hospital became central in driving story from about 94 till the end of the show. Especially the malpractice suit with Courtney and everything with Bobby Reno in later years. I always felt that Jamie could've easily fit into all those medical stories. It would've been good to see him as Chief of Staff and to rekindle things with Marley.

I also hate that Dana [Kramer] never got developed more than what she did. She gave me the vibe of a characters I loved near and dear-- Holly and Gilly of GL. The career driven woman of the 90s who were hardened but soft when the layers were peeled back. She gave me that sense when she was Carl's lawyer. I hate how she was scrapped somewhat when her father's tryst with Felicia was scrapped.

Sorry for the rant. I've just been watching and thinking a lot about AW as of late. Guess I need some void to fill my soap viewing.

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I think Dean and Jenna worked nicely for AW. They seemed to have a good following as well. I remember liking the whole D&M music company story that involved them, Matthew, Lorna, and even Jake. It showed people actually working and the struggles of trying to start a business. It was a great way to mix up the characters.

Morgan was just okay for me. The only story I really think he had was the rape/non-rape of Lorna. It was too bad that Alicia Coppola left shortly after that and the fallout ended up played by someone else. It just wasn't the same tension between Lorna/Morgan at that point.

I personally couldn't stand Kelsey and thought she was a poorly developed/written story. She had potential as being related to Ryan/Grant but it never worked for me. Her pairings with Jamie and then John I thought were beyond boring.

I do think that Jamie should have been around until the end but after Marley left I'm not sure they knew what to do with him. He should have made appearances at the end, especially with Marley (then Ellen Wheeler) back and going off the rails. They should have "called in" Jamie to try and help her.

just my opinions....AW was my show. Miss it every day. Still.

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I found Kelsey dull as dishwater, and when I see Kaitlin Hopkins name in credits, I still cringe. I'm sure she's a nice person, but a good actress she is not. I liked Dean, Jenna, Lorna, and Matt. It was a good "quadrangle", and the music aspect only helped it. Ricky Paull is a favorite of mine. I know a lot of people didn't like him as Gus on GL, but I blame the uneven writing for that. Iliked him as Jake Martin, as well. He and Chrishelle had good chemistry. I wish he was on a show other than that building (remodeling or whatever he does). Every time I see Alicia Coppola I watch, just because of her AW roots. It's a shame GH doesn't utilize my girl Robin Christopher, and I still wish Y&R would bring her in as Victoria!

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Robin Christopher.. good actress... she just wasn't Lorna. I do give her props for playing out the whole rape aftermath as well as the scenes with Morgan and Victor... even being able to mirror Alicia Coppola in mannerisms when she first took over. However, she just wasn't Lorna and the character changed into a polished woman with decent dress sense and add to the fact that she looked nor acted anything like Felicia either (especially when replacing an actress who looked, acted and dressed like she could be Felicia's daughter).

Kelsey worked as a member of the Harrison family.. being the Marilyn Munster of the family.. but she didn't work as a romantic lead.

Dean/Jenna were a good couple.. it took over a year before they became a couple.. and it happened gradually. Donna Swajeski had said that Dean/Jenna were modeled after her and her long term boyfriend at the time. Lorna was a great spoiler for Jenna/Matt.. and man when Jenna and Lorna fought.. it was epic. I couldn't wait till Jenna found out that Lorna was Felicia's long lost daughter... that relationship was always complex.. they eventually became close.. but they would still bicker like sisters do LOL The Jenna/Felicia scenes in the cabin where Jenna saw the light in regards to Felicia's alcoholism plus miscarrying were powerful scenes.

I did like the early D & D record stuff.. with Lorna, Jake, Matt, Dean, Jenna, Olivia mixing it up.. with visits/input from Paulina and her foster sister Hannah. It was a good mix in the early 90s.

Also, I was watching some youtubes of scenes from 1989/early 1990. I liked how Vicky was the Rachel of that era.. hence why Rachel never really liked/trusted her.. I even liked seeing Jamie with Stacy.. even watching scenes of Jamie being a spoiler to Stacy/Derek in early 1990. It's a shame the show never really went forward with that.. Stacy was likable in that time period.. and it made sense that she would be drawn to Jamie due to their history.. while also bringing up the element of Stacy dating Decek due to wanting to rescue him, not cause she loved him.

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I've seen various people say they hated Jenna, thought she was sanctimonious and bratty and mean to Lorna, etc. I thought she worked well as a foil and later loving sister to Lorna, and I thought Alla Korot always played Jenna as a very "real" girl, which was missing for me with Josie and with many other AW ingenues. I also thought she and RPG had good chemistry.

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I do think the 2nd Josie was pretty good.. tough, yet still retaining the dreamer essence that the first Josie provided. The only thing I could say about Josie #3 was that she looked like the 2nd Josie.. but had neither the personality nor acting talent of Amy Carlson.

And I do think Jenna had cause to be 'mean' to Lorna.. considering the fact that Lorna played the porno tape Jenna was conned into making for all to see.

I think Jenna was a good girl, but wasn't afraid to fight and stand up for herself. yes, she could be drippy.. but she was still interesting to me. She wasn't devoid of personality.. which is what I think soaps are failing miserable with nowadays with their good girl characters.

Jenna and Amanda were the good girls.. but were flawed and when they made mistakes.. they weren't let off the hook. Characters like Lorna and Olivia (the bad girls) did bad stuff.. but they also had good points (Olivia was good friends with Jenna.. even giving her advice... and Lorna was good friends with Jake/Paulina...).

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Hey everyone.

I noticed that several people have questioned why Chris Robinson was not a recast of Willis or Vince Frame. I remember reading an interview with him and he said the show originally wanted him to be a recast of one of the Frame brothers from the 70s. However, he wanted them to create a new character for him so he became the never mentioned before Jason Frame.

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I dont get why they didn't just cast Chris Robinson as Vince Mckinnon.. especially if the show wanted to take advantage of hiring Denise Alexander and having them paired together again.

All of the stunt casting on AW in the mid 80s of luring big name stars from other soaps.. just proves that the practice isn't a new one. Though if you are going to get a big name soap actor.. make sure that there is a good character for them to play.

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