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Y&R: Week of February 09, 2009

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Just saw Tuesday's show and Traci had a fabulous line...

...about the Jabot situation: "There seems to be a plot a plot twist we aren't seeing yet..." LOL!

Need to comment on Brad's funeral: First of all, these episodes have been nothing but great. Very deserving for a lgeacy character. Heck, they even through Tracey Bregman a bone and Lauren was allowed, gasp, to show up at a place which is not her home/Crimson Light/Atheltic Club without Michael... Loved the Traci interaction; yet I kinda missed some more depth as how close Lauren & Brad once there. This fell kinda short, just like Nikki's absence.

The whole Cabin fallout with Jack & Phyllis is great. Stafford is really good (once for a change) and Phyllls is sooo losing it - love it!

Then, Colleen going off on the Moustache was great. Tammin Sursok has been pretty solid in the afternath of Brad's death for the first time since she joined the show. Ironically, she was always most convincing to me in scenes with Billy Miller who is helping several leading ladies now to built on their performances (Christel Khalil is lightyears better acting-wise with him than with the lacklustre Daniel Goddard).

The odd-man-out item on this show right now definitely is JT & Snoretoria Blandstrom. They feel so ostrocized, don't fit at all, have no rooting value. Compared to them all the Winters stuff & relationships are thriller material... I liked however recently when JT mentioned he felt - exactly as I put it above - uncomfartable as only been seen as Mr. Mom/Vickie's husband. Now that's sth. they could built a story on. However, the only thing to get my interest peaked would be JT messing around with Abby. Now that would be shocking and a jump-start to make these characters more interesting.

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Today's show was so good! Kay is NOT related to Jill! They should never have been made mother and daughter so this is a step in the right direction. I had a feeling Clint was gonna do something to Kay. No way could he be back in the picture and not do something to Kay. I like the wat that this storyline is tying so many characters to it. A true ubrella storyline.

And CK was actually kinda...good in her scene with Billy and Chloe where she went off. It's about time that girl got some spine. And Sharon is really going off the deep end. She looked kinda crazy when she told Nick to have a happy V-Day. She looked like she could have spit nails. And the look that came over her when she stole the little whatever from NE...homegirl looked glazed over with crazy.

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She hasn't stolen anything from Jack yet....

She kissed Victor, so I guess she'll have to steal something from the ranch as well..... if Sharon plans to take a little memento from every man she's slept with, this will take a long, long while.

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MarkH - you blew my mind with your "Gloria is Kay's daughter" theory. I have been racking my brain to figure out why the Fishers/Baldwins are getting so close to Kay. If you're right - a lot of people will be SO mad. I can totally see how they could go there.

As for the Patty/Tawny merge, i'd love it too, but that would make Amber and Kevin cousins and it looks like there's something happening there.

I'm still pondering the whole Mystery Woman thing too. Victor is getting very dark and sinister. it seems to me that for all Victor's faults, he's never been someone to orchestrate big non-business maneuvers. This is a page from Stefeno's book. And seeing him flat out lie to Ashley about Jill's takeover of Jabot, it was a little shocking.

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How would Patty being Tawny make Amber and Kevin cousins?

I so don't want anyone to be made Katherine's daughter. That's the kind of stupid writing that got us here to begin with. Besides, with Esther/Chloe we've already had one character on canvas turn out to be an established characters child, we don't need another.

Maybe instead of Alzheimer's or dementia, Katherine is just suffering from a brain pickled by alcohol.

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