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Qfan, this reason--combined with the fact that Barry is so "likeable"--is why Willard will lose in November. But, it is important to remember that there are worse nightmares for liberals than Romney. For instance, take a look at our next president, Jabba the Hutt:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/aw0aBkt8CPA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

He'll win easily in 2016 because (1) the GOP will be completely united behind him and (2) he's a "likeable, Jersey guy" who will bring a lot of heft to the office. Once this victory occurrs, however, I can't imagine how Joan Collins will feel.

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Alphanguy, most Republicans would say there are good provisions of Obamacare, it's just that we feel it does more harm than good, especially for the vast majority of people already insured. What about the ripple effect on the economy as employers raise prices (to compensate for the fines and higher corporate taxes) or higher mostly temps (so they can bypass Obamacare altogether)?

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Another humilating night for Paul. If he can't make it in ME and WA, he can't make it anywhere.

I seriously think he's running for president in the wrong party. Due to his anti-war stance, the liberals love him so much. This love runs so deep that they are even willing to overlook his Calvin Coolidge economic policies.

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I don't think I would have a problem with Chris Christie and I am not completely familiar with all his positions. But he is from NJ which is as close to being from NY as you can without being from NY, and that goes a long way with me. He did one thing last year which I sort of saw both sides to it. They wanted to build a new tunnel from Hoboken to the city because traffic is so horrendous, it would make commuting easier, actually create jobs, and be a boon to the neighborhoods where all the activity would be. But he stopped it because the NY/NJ Port Authority can't be trusted with two cents. It's been ten years and the world trade center still isn't up. I don't like what he says in defense of Romney but he, like Rudy, I can trust to not be a Jesus freak worrying about who wants an abortion and who is sleeping with who. I don't think he can win since in over 200 years there has yet to be an obese president to my knowledge.

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Qfan, I apologize for my rudeness, but we have had one obese president: William Howard Taft (1909-13). (I don't blame you for forgetting about him because so few remember him.) Apparently, there is a story that Taft got stuck in the White House bathtub, so a new one had to be built.

Taft actually hated being president. He ran in 1908 at TR's request; when TR found out Taft wasn't his puppet, the former president became enraged and ran against him in 1912 (and called Taft a lot of nasty names). This split in the GOP ensured Wilson's victory.

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Yeah... nobody remembers Taft LOL! I do say the idea of him getting stuck in the white house bathtub makes me laugh my ass off! Max... I truly don't think it would do more harm than good... and if parts DON'T work, then portions can be repealed, adjustments can be made. Medicare had to have the wrinkles ironed out at first as well. Many Republicans just don't want it because Obama sponsored it. And that's why this new crop of candidates is losing credibility with the public. They are railing against the exact thing that NIXON propsed. I know they've disowned him, but that doens't change the fact that he DID have conservative support before watergate. It doesn't negate the fact that Nixon and the conservative establishment at that time, supported the same thing they decry today.

And BTW!!! Carbonite, one of Rush's biggest sponsors has just pulled the plug!!! i'm so excited I can hardly stand it... and after Rush back pedaled, and stumbled all over himself to give an apology. Too little, too late!

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I'm surprised Rush apologized. He never does that. He must have been under big pressure. Even then the apology was half-hearted. Oh, well we shoudln't be discussing "sexual recreational activities" to Congress. Birth control often has nothing to do with sexual activities.

I read that Laura Ingraham said Obama never called her after she was called a slut by Ed Schultz. She had nothing to do with any political situation involving the government, and she would have probably laughed if he'd called.

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How will Joan Collins cope with an obese president in the White House? First off, fat presidents don't get elected in our modern media age, secondly, Joan will simply do what she always does: live in Los Angeles for 3 months out of the year and then high tail it back to London and St. Tropez for the rest of the time. Joan is above politics, she glides.

When it comes to Obamacare, the problem remains that it's about insurance. Again, the insurance lobby wins and the American citizen gets screwed in a big way.

What Americans need to realise is that Obamacare is not universal health care, it's simply a degree of universal insurance. There are still people who receive, far, far, superior treatment and people who receive blatantly disgusting medical treatment, regardless of their insurance cover.

Universal healthcare like in Australia, Canada, UK, Japan, Singapore, Germany, France ETC ETC ETC is just that: universal. It's paid through tax revenue. The only insurance people have is for extended costs like wheelchair rentals, bathroom fittings and some prescription drugs.

Obamacare is a poor substitute for real, meaningful, proactive healthcare that puts patients first. Sadly, it is the only option that has ever been credibly put forward by a sitting US president in the last 35 years. No Republican can claim that their party gives a flying damn about medical care in the USA because Ford, Reagan and both of the Bush presidents never touched healthcare.

And every American should be angry about that. Health care is NOT a political issue. It is a human rights issue.

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I don't know if I would say that no one remembers Taft...although he never really wanted to be President, he actually did more to fight trusts and civil service reform than Teddy Roosevelt and went on to his love (law), becoming Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1921-30.

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President Grover Cleveland was obese as well, but I bet even less people remember him. Yeah, I think there's a reason why we haven't elected an obese President since Taft...

I wasn't alive back then, but actually didn't Nixon's proposal go even farther? I remember reading something about Ted Kennedy and Nixon almost struck a deal on heathcare. Talk about strange bed fellows. LOL

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This is the frist time that clown has been around where he even half tailed apologize for saying something vile like this. How any of Republicans think they will win anything is beyond me. And, where are their solutions? All they can do is mock and slam the President, and while they're talking about what a woman should do with her body, who can marry whom, and how we should have sex...where is any proposal that will help the country THEY SAY is so horribly off-track?

No where. Al one can do when they have no options is talk noise. Loudly and proudly, and hope the people listen. Well, they've turned off...


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Damn whose left? Romney will change his mind quicker than you can sneeze, Santorum doen't have a clue WHAT he is saying, Gingrich is willing to destroy the party to get his own way (while he builds a base of Qu'nos, the Klingon Homeworld) and Paul is justb a plain nutcase. And these are the people the country is going to intrust? Well, "Barry", with his mistakes and faults, has talk nmore TO the Amercian poeple than anyone of these four idiots. So when that party is wiped out November, maybe the moderates will then step back and ask the party fathers.....

"How's that ultra-right wing Tea Party thing going for ya?"

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