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I think Rand Paul went about this the wrong way.   His father most certainly did have a moment in 2012 but Rand is not as good a candidate as Ron.   Perhaps instead of running for president and then being forced to sell out trying to appeal to people, they should have borrowed a page from the tea party and juat concentrate on getting congressmen elected so they could form a libertarian bloc the republican leadership would be forced to deal with?   Republicans enjoy their success today not because of their great candidates, but because they spent 20 years going after state legislatures and governorships, and got to redraw all the maps in their favor.    That ground up strategy has really paid off for them (even if it happened by accident), and that is also something Paul Sr and Jr should be looking into:   state politicians. 


Ron Paul was a great right wing candidate to the point that democrats found him charming and liked some of his positions.   Rand comes across as just another politician.   It's a shame for Ron that whatever inroads he made in 2012 are being wiped out by his son.  

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Any thoughts on Canada's elections a few days ago?


I can see why people would be wary of Justin Trudeau, as he seems to be untested, but the thinly veiled contempt from certain quarters can't help amusing me. My favorite is The Guardian writer who goes on at length to complain about his hair and appearance and says that it's too American to elect people based on their last name. It doesn't say much for her opinion of Canada if she really thinks that is why they voted for him. Many of them likely weren't even of voting age when his father was in office. 

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I'm thrilled for Canada!  Didn't he run on a very liberal agenda?  That's the part that surprised me just a lil bit.  But hell, they were probably tired of the right wing bullshit they put with before this election.


I hope it rubs off on us next year.



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Me too, Gmac. Of course the media would kill a houseful of kittens to get media darling Marco (or Jeb Bush) into the White House, so I'm not hopeful.


Joe Biden makes it official that he's not running. I'm glad he made this choice as I think he would have lost and likely just tarnished what has been a good 8 years as VP.


I think all the "Republicans are not our enemies" is of a very different era though - ask John Kerry how that worked out.




I've been interested in the blowback and angst that Trump blaming 9/11 on W has caused. The same people that loved blaming Clinton for 9/11 likely have angina over this. It's something that doesn't even really matter to the average joe, but to them, people who still try to pretend their plans and invasions in the Middle East were not huge ego-crushing failures, it clearly hurts like hell. 

Edited by DRW50
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How those in the tv 'news' media are driving this story about emails without ever saying anything about the millions of emails Darth Vader and VP GWB got rid of boggles the mind. 

I think that's what the corportae media here in the States wants to push. Like they're doing with Bernie. 

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Her thinly veiled contempt for most of the morons (and boy are they morons, even Gowdy Doody, who got an endless media coronation for how "fair" he would be) is hilarious.




And what a contemptuous twit.






He should run for President!

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I'll be very interested to see how this hearing affects not just her numbers but Sanders' as well. I know a lot of people who were on the fences between the two of them and this hearing pushed them onto Team Hillary.


Actually the next round of polling should be very interesting with Biden, Chafee and Webb all dropping out.

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