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With all due, you have said some VERY horrible things not only the President, but Democrats and other voters as well. I have said things about Tea Partiers and Republicans, but also said positive things about moderate Republicans, which still seems to be like the plague among the Ultra right-wing. These comments and reactions are exactly why the Republican Party was once again rejected. We have passed 2010. Many voters stayed home and other voted in Tea Partiers because they wanted checks and balances (And for other reasons already discussed in this forum). We as a nation saw where that got us for the last two years. Nothing. And either Republcans or Democrats or the POTUS getting all the blame, when blame should have rested with Americans who vote those people in based off of what they saw on tv or heard on radio.

But now, for an imcompotent POTUS, over 3 million more Americans really seemed to dig where the country was going under his leadership. And "Barry", as you have called him on many occasions, even after many on the forum expressed how rude that was, stayed in line at the polls despite the Republicans nationwide voter suppression (which never existed) and Governors and SOSs guaranteeing states that would have went to Romney. All of the voting blocks who voted for the POTUS have once again sent a world-wide heard voice that they are sick and tired of the hatred and bigotry and sexism and homophobia (not to mention getting high in your house being illegal). That all was rejected wholeheartedly. Now, I know you and many others say it will be different in two years. And it will...

Because if the reaction by conservatives continues like it has since Tues night, LIKE I SAID BEFORE, the Party will be wiped out.

Some of things you have posted have appalled many. And I would like for you to know that it came down to simple common decency. I also hope that if there is a reply, it will contain some growth from all of us. If not Max, and you still continue your negativity, I will move on, just like the vast majority of Americans. It's no longer about bashing the other side (Which I did in spades, no matter if I thought it was right at the time) but the people have said....

"We are sick of this shite. Time to move on!"


Edited by Roman
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It's offensive. Period. And she was right, it's rather hypocritical to now say this was meant as a statement when others saw it as vile and disgusting. You and many others hated it when it was done to Bush, and now what she posted is vile? This is also the kind of behavior that got the RP defeated on Tues.

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This is very true which is why I'm hoping the irrational exuberance peters out soon and people get to work. The corruption of the Koch/ALEC sect goes much, much farther and deeper than campaign advertising.

I was talking to a friend who was saying that she wonders what we can do to up turnout for the 2014 and I told her one word.


If the Dems want to turn the base out for the midterms then there needs to be a marijuana bill in at least every swing state. Personally, It's very important to me that in 2014 we manage to get rid of our governor and especially our Secretary of State. It would also be nice to turn the statehouse a little bluer so that we can stop getting an abortion bill every week. The best way to do that is to put a pot initiative on the ballot. The right wing has been using gay marriage and Sharia Law to turn out their base for years. For the left, weed is our Sharia law.

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Let me just say, that unapologetic gloating from the Democrats is a right AND a must! I just hope that the Democrats have long memories because I sure am never forgetting all those nasty things the Republicans have said about the President and the Democrats and their ugly attempts at vote suppression. I say screw the compromise that the media et al. are pushing. The President was given a mandate with his re-election, it is time for him to stand firm and do what he was sent there to do i.e. put a final beat down on the Republicans and all their crazy ass ideas.

It is f'ing offensive and he posted it AGAIN!

Hilarious! I actually do not support legalizing marijuana, but if it will get people out to vote in midterm and state elections, I am so there.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Its a shame the Romney supporters can't show the class Romney did in his concession speech. I've seen the gloating and such on MSNBC but I have also seen the lack of awareness on Fox and the republicans and frankly no one is right. But as an American I have to say how ashamed I am of the republican party for the hate mongering and exclusivity they seem to champion now. My dad is a republican and hasn't voted that way nationally since George Bush number 1 in 1988.The mantra he subscribed to of less government and fiscal conservatism doesn't seem to be an agenda this version of the party subscribes to. Sure the tea partiers want government to stay out of your business until it comes to freedom of liberty issues like who you want to marry and having control over your own body, where they feel its a-ok for the government to stick their nose into those things. Funny isn't it.

The president did get a mandate as did congress and I hope there can be some compromise. We need a multi party system. Big business is going to need to decide which party they want to support and I think its going to be a new party or a reformed and more inclusive less polarizing version of the GOP. The tea party to me was a fad that the growing population of the so called " have nots" won't support.

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I pretty much get that all those "analysts" and "experts" who think that Barack Obama needs to tread lightly with the Republicans, believe that makes some sort of sense. It makes none to me. Compromise means both sides give not one and that's pretty much what they've said the President needed to do from day one. He cannot compromise with people whose mission was to get rid of him and now that they've failed, they're even more miserable than before and they can spin the results however they want--they still failed.

And I want to reiterate to Max that I don't think Barack Obama owes Mitt Romney an apology at all--especially if you don't think Mitt Romney owes him one. Look at the surrogates Mitt Romney used and the things they said. It may not have come out of his mouth but I don't recall his saying anything about it and he still kept them all on. Here we have Ted Nugent calling the people who elected Barack Obama


There was somebody on here the other day trying to associate an an inaugural participant with the President as telling by the company he supposedly keeps. As usual in double standard world, it means nothing that Mitt Romney's company included Donald Trump calling for a revolution because he didn't like the results and the above gem from Ted Nugent.

Please look in the mirror before you cast your stones.

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There can never be compromise if the Republicans aren't willing to make the effort. That's the bottom line. Instead of being overt and vicious with their attacks on Obama, they're now stilted. I just saw Boehner say the President "must lead" with every bit of superciliousness he had before. It is clear to me they are still determined to see him fail but they're being more tactful and insidious about it. Obama is POTUS and he needs to be aggressive. He has nothing to lose and if he keeps offering conciliatory overtures and it's met with repeated rejection then he needs to throw down the gauntlet. The new strategy seems to be attacking Obama on his promise to reach across the aisle but their definition of compromise is to do everything they propose and if he doesn't he's not compromising. They will then throw a temper tantrum that he lied about real compromise and attack him for being partisan. I really hope the 'pubs prove me wrong. I think they will make a smidgeon of effort for at least self preservation, if nothing else.

RE: Both GIFS: I thought the terminator one was funny however if it were Obama then yes folks would have a different reaction. By the same token I can take the Obama one in the same stride if it were not for the inclusion of the Nazi similarity which was indeed distasteful.

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Given that most Congressional Republicans have pledged to Grover Norquist not to raise taxes, it is obvious that they have no intention of negotiating or compromising. The President has to act soon, but in a couple years, we get a chance to sweep the Republicans out of the House.

Edited by Ann_SS
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All the Fox News reactions were so over the topic:

The Fox & Friends hosts kept harping on the lone Black Panther at the polling station in Philadelphia, one of the host's said with Obama's victory America is the most "shallow" country that has ever existed.

Bill O'Reilly said "we" are not in the majority. We meaning white people. I can't believe he said that! And it got worse when he added the "takers" have also taken over. That people now demand stuff (welfare, food stamps, abortions, condoms, student loans, cash for clunkers) from government. So over the top!

And then there was the Fox News meltdown on election night with Karl Rove going rogue and Megyn Kelley running around the studio.

And then there are the crazy religious conservatives who are basically asking God to punish America for reelecting Obama.

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