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Klobuchar has experience which is important to me as a voter. I want to support Warren, but she's over and over again allowed herself to be trapped into doing things that have hurt her. But which moderates are tearing each other apart? Frankly remembering the Obama/Clinton primary this has all been milktoast. 2016 was all Sanders attacking, as Clinton laid back. That tactic  backfired.


I have said from day 1 I don't think Biden can win. You know as well as I do his past runs for president. And that was before all this Ukraine garbage. But frankly no one has really come after Biden until a bit more last night and even then, Buttigieg of all people gave a very passionate defense of him . One of the few times Buttigieg seemed to go  unscripted.

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Agree.  I think Warren is an intelligent woman, who would be an asset to any president's cabinet.  But, I don't believe she has what it would take as a leader to stand up to adversarial forces without blundering in the process.  (She never should've swallowed Trump's DNA bait.)


I think if Biden had ignored Obama's advice and run four years ago, he would've had a better time at running for president.  As it is, he COULD be a great leader, but the more I look into this stuff, the more I realize he is simply a terrible campaigner.  His prior two runs virtually stalled at the gate, and I'm afraid this one has as well.  I don't know whether it's due to bad advice from his staff, a sense of entitlement on his part, a lack of bloodthirst, all three or something else, but the dude is TERRIBLE at this.


Which is terrible to think about, because I believe Biden's our best chance of forming the right coalition of voters to defeat Trump.  The other candidates are simply too polarizing, IMO.


Bloomberg's looking better and better to me by the minute, lol.

Edited by Khan
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Watched the view thus week and mayor Pete was on. The women showed a clip where an older female voted for him and a few seconds later finds out he is gay and married to a man and she freaks out and wants to change her vote. The mayor Pete supporter says he's the same guy you agree with in the issues.


Sigh.....it's 2020 people. 

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Not at the rock she lives under! 

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But seriously.  How do you NOT know Pete Buttigieg is gay (and married to another man)?  I mean, I'm pretty sure the news and the Internet exist even in Iowa!


Something tells me, though, the woman KNEW he was gay, but she was afraid her Bible-thumping circle would see her on TV and judge her for supporting a "God-hating socialist faggot" for president.  So, in order to avoid being ostracized, she just played dumb (which wasn't much of a stretch for her to play, I'll admit).


Honestly, I do not care whether our next president is gay or straight, male or female, white or non-white.  For all I care, it can be the Geico gecko.  I just want to see Donald Trump GONE from the WH.

Edited by Khan
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Her argument/defense was pretty weak, too, from what I remember.  "Man should not lie down with man," or whatever.  Okay, but...what does that have to do with income equality, or seeing to it that everyone has access to affordable, quality healthcare?


If Trump ever gave a damn about those things (and more), I would've been in his corner, regardless of his tweets, because I actually believe it's how you lead this country and NOT how you conduct your personal life that matters.  Like Bill Maher once said, Clinton might've been getting BJ's from gov't clerks, but he was still gettin' s**t done!

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Listen up, my fellow African-Americans: if you even THINK about falling for whatever jive this turkey has up his sleeve to try and win us over to his dark side, I will personally round up your Black cards, set them all on fire and make YOU pay for the lighter fluid and the matches.


You have been warned.


https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/08/us/politics/trump-reelection-campaign.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

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As soon as I saw the authors of this I didn't bother to read it. More BS from 2 of his 3 propagandists at the Times. Replace Martin with Peter Baker you would have had all 3.


The Suburbs. You mean pro choice, pro gun reform voters? Those who hate his immigration policies, those who live in states like mine who got hit with his tax scam by limiting the prop and state tax deductions.(property taxes in formerly red DuPage and Will counties in Illinois are way over the cap).  I already know black women are too smart to vote for him but black men? Well that was higher in 2016 because as Dr. Dyson says, black men are as misogynistic as white men are if not more.

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I figured that was due to Tim Scott and Ben Carson's endorsements.  As proud as I am of my African-American heritage, it still annoys me to no end how "my peeps" will listen to any n***a with a college degree.

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Klobuchar and Buttigieg, and there's been conflict building with Biden and Buttigieg, which exploded a few hours after our conversation. I think they know they can't get Sanders voters, and Warren has her own unique pocket of voters, so they're jockeying against each other while Bloomberg stares down at them, waiting for his chance. 

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I guess we see things differently. They're playing for each others voters. All of them went after Sanders and laid off Warren this time. I really don't understand the angst over this. I remember Obama vs Clinton and that was a nasty primary. This has all been mild and nothing is being said preventing anyone from endorsing the other. The only one I expect to make an issue out of anything  is the same as 2016 - Sanders.

Edited by JaneAusten
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I think there could have been more discussion over a consensus candidate for non-Bernie voters because I think he will lose horribly, and on a more personal level, I guess when I see Biden, who could have been a statesman, instead having to spend his time in a feud with a mayor who is 40 years younger than he is, it just makes me feel like the party is completely off-message and confused at the worst possible time. If I made it seem like a world-ending event that wasn't my intent. 

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