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Some cities and towns may be losing their teachers (and nurses, social workers etc.) in six months and many of these areas are under-served to begin with.


For Teachers Working Through DACA, a Bittersweet Start to the School Year


In an ideal world, people would realize that these DACA recipients should stay because they belong here but as a POC myself, I am constantly being ask to prove my "worth" and I am a U.S. citizen, that is the way people often see POCs because of rampant stereotypes.  This is why I often post these types of articles.

I'm not so unrealistic as to believe that people will see the worth of these people just because they are human beings who deserve to be treated as such, that is not what the history of the US has shown me.





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Trump Regrets Putting Obamacare Repeal On Top of Agenda, Blames Ryan


Rule #3 in "The Art of the Deal": When you fail, blame the other guy.


If I were Paul Ryan, I'd be pissed right about now.  Between this [!@#$%^&*] and the deal Trump cut with the Democrats...?  Let's just say that a part of me (again, if I were Paul Ryan) would be very, VERY slow to reforming the tax codes, if only to make Trump look like an even bigger loser.

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After leaving my teaching job 2 years ago, I am substituting this school year and have now worked every day because of the teaching shortage as a defacto math teacher. I am not looking for a full time position at this point and the subbing fits well into my other work,  but they are desperate for teachers everywhere.


People don't realize we have a shortage in this country for teachers and many states have been hiring outside of the US for years due to this. DACA recipients are actually one of the more ideal solutions, people educated and raised here, to fill many of those roles.  The current bill being proposed for DACA gives them a path to become citizens, which is in fact what they already are in almost all categories except the one that makes it legal.

Ryan is a coward and has been ineffective his entire tenure in congress. He's the Marco Rubio of the House, built up by the media as some wonder boy but just another empty suit.  But I can't blame him in entirety for this. Trump ran on repeal and replace and promised he had a better plan.  Their "replace" could have passed if it was in fact better. But Ryan and McConnell should have educated Trump that you don't shove down a plan that impacts 1/5 of the economy without hearings and transparency. Or maybe Trump should have made a point of knowing they never ever had any intention of repealing and replacing the ACA. It was a political strategy that has now backfired on them.

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The percentage of people against them roughly correlates to Trumps base. They aren't going to change their minds under any circumstances.  All the arguments differentiating the DACA recipients from their parents play into Republican hands, imo.  If talking heads say they deserve to stay because they didn't break the law, isn't the obvious implication that the people who did break the law do deserve to be deported?


In the end, nearly a million people can't be deported, so it doesn't matter that much anyway. Especially not when democrats are so far from power that our arguments are falling on deaf ears anyway. I just hate to see people living in fear when it shouldn't be this way.

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Thinking of the diehards from Trump Nation reminds me so much of what happened to the cult members at Jonestown and Waco, not to mention to those Heaven's Gate people, who committed suicide because they believed Jesus had hitched a ride on a comet on his way back to Earth.  


It's terrifying what COULD happen with those who would follow Trump off a proverbial and literal cliff, if only because others will go down with them.

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Trump didn't care or know what was in the Obamacare repeal. He just wanted  any bill to pass so he could sell it as a success. Fox News and most of the conservative media is in support of Trump they are actively trying to get their listeners and  viewers to primary Republicans that are hindering Trump' s agenda.

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Now for some good news.


In New Hampshire another state senate seat goes from Red to Blue in a district Trump won by a 28 pt swing




In Oklahoma(for you Khan) a Red district turned blue in a district Trump won with a 31 pt swing




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