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He truly sounds convincing as someone who has lost what's left of his mind.

Part of me wonders whether he thinks this might help him if/when those crimimal indictments happen, perhaps his lawyers can try to convince a judge to declare him mentally incompetent. In any case, he sounds wild and desperate, not resolute.


He truly should've been removed from office after impeachment. Shame on the people who made it possible for him to remain.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Seriously, anyone else would have been put in a straitjacket, muzzled and thrown into a padded cell long ago. Shame on all the enablers in the GOP as well. 


45 is the abusive ex who refuses to go away, foaming at the mouth like a rabid animal. I'm honestly scared about what will happen in Washington come Wednesday.

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Nancy Pelosi was re-elected Speaker today, with EVERY member of the Squad voting for her. This after they were harassed for months by griftergressives and fauxgressives like Jimmy Dore with encouragement from their enablers like Kyle Kulinski, Katie Halper, Brie Joy, etc. 


As always, the dead end left has no plan beyond alienating and losing - they prefer it that way because it keeps the money rolling in and means they don't have to actually do anything. And the suckers who keep them going will continue to do so.

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