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I've been trying not to flood the thread with regurgitation about Tara Reade, as every ever-changing claim from her has been debunked or twisted into knots (not that it matters, as the people who "believe" her only do so because of an agenda), but this is incredibly disgusting - her seeming lies about her education may be causing cases she was involved in to be re-examined. 




I'm not surprised that toxic grifters and/or generally sick people like Krystal Ball, Nathan Robinson, Katie Halper, the Bruenigs, Matt Taibbi, were so eager to push her, but never again can anyone let the media continue to push Ryan Grim, Ari Melber, Chris Hayes, Rich McHugh, or Ben Smith as some kind of breathless crusaders of righteousness. They exploited a deluded, likely mentally unwell woman for their own gain, and they are now doing backflips away from their actions. They are no better than the likes of Sean Hannity or Laura Ingraham. And they will be back soon with enough smear, to get their man Trump elected and to get their faces out there as some kind of crusading heroes. 

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Okay, new rule: Joe Biden is not allowed to speak publicly (or even privately) until after the election.


But seriously.  Does his latest gaffe matter to anyone?  Especially now, when we remain in the grips of a worldwide pandemic?  I wish we had the luxury to cancel him.  However, the simple truth is that we don't.  The republic will not survive another four years of Donald Trump.  It just won't.

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The trending topic will likely fade out by day's end. Still, Biden better choose wisely when it comes to a running mate, preferably someone who is young sharp and has the gift of oratory because Joe is seriously lacking in those areas and the challenges are only going to increase from here.

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I think some people are worried it will further reinforce the idea that the party takes black voters for granted - the "Biden and Trump are just the same" takes have blown up again today. The speculation about him choosing Klobuchar as a VP doesn't help. 

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I don't know which is more shameless - I vote for Peter Daou, but this is hit number 2 for Grim. He also was the one who exposed Blasey-Ford when she had no interest in her letter to the committee becoming public. I won't blame Grim for the leak - he was likely used - but he had ZERO obligation to release the name. This again was sloppy unverified journalism practiced at the so called "independent award winning" intercept.

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What gets me is people used his involvement with Blsaey-Ford as reason to believe Reade. I hope now they will be more cautious. The thing is I don't blame people for not wanting to trust "old media," given how much they have damaged and destroyed our fabric over the last few decades (at least), but this means too much credit is given to the likes of Grim, Halper, etc. Ideally this will teach more people to see and to ignore opportunists and game-players...and also to desperately avoid anything being pushed by ex-Bernie Sanders supporters.

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Grim used Blasey-Ford to try to, of all things, take a shot at Dianne Feinstein, the dreaded centrist. It played great with his very online friends and no one else. Other people's real struggles are just tools to the far right and further left - Reade's allegations were simply another convenient cudgel.

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Deep down I've never really liked Patton Oswalt very much, so I'm not especially wounded, but how do you go from making cheap personal attacks against the Angry Video Game Nerd guy for not wanting to see the new Ghostbusters to going on Joe Rogan's show, a proud racist and Trump supporter? How does that work? 

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