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Democrats are entirely too concerned with not appearing impartial, which bugs the [!@#$%^&*] out of me.  Why should we care whether we come across as less than impartial?  Republicans sure don't!



Yeah, but...after threatening her with jail time, the judge settled on a fine and a contempt of court hearing.  Which explains why neither DeVos nor the DOE took seriously her threats OR the original court order to stop collecting loan payments.  Because they knew no judge would be bold enough to do what was right and throw their asses in jail.


We cannot let this administration continue to thumb its' noses at the law for another 4+ years.  I don't even care if it means voting for someone like Bernie Sanders.  We just have to stop Trump and his cronies for good.



No doubt, though, the media will crucify Hillary (AGAIN!) for politicizing the man's funeral.

Edited by Khan
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He really was. I stopped going to church years ago for all kinds of reasons but I have to say that I really needed this service today. All the current...stuff has been wreaking havoc with my depression and anxiety and it was exactly what I needed to hear. Not the religion so much but just to be reminded of what it's like to be part of a loving community. The concept of helping the vulnerable and caring for the least of us. The wonderful lessons of strength and love that Cummings showed to his family and community. The celebration of a life well lived. I needed this so much right now.

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Yeah, I'm among those 'backsliders' who no longer attends church, and I actually considered closing out the service because I felt sad but I'm glad I didn't close out the tab because it was really uplifting and I too feel like I needed to hear the message. It reminded me of very real examples of someone who really tried to strive to do the work for his community, over decades. I also got a kick out of knowing that all in that room couldn't ignore that message...at least not today.

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A few hours ago, I posted about the sublime (the preaching during the service), unfortunately, it must follow that every instance of the sublime will inevitably follow with an instance of the ridiculous.



...but at least there is this news item to serve as something of a news palate cleanser.


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I'm not sure if this was ever addressed but from what I've been able to glean, Parliament voted "No" on the timetable issue because Johnson wanted to give them some ridiculously short period of time to read and scrutinize a 430+ page legal text in order to ratify it. The MPs didn't think this was enough time and that Johnson has been trying to rush the process.



Not sure whether this has been posted.


Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I'm glad this is being called out while there's still time. Terry McAuliffe has very deep ties to the heart of the DNC so if he's saying it then clearly they're alarmed. 


On another topic, I was watching, because I guess I have no self-worth, a Chris Cillizza video talking about whether other candidates will jump in, and he said the only current candidates who have any chance are Biden, Warren, Sanders, and Buttigieg. It threw me, because Kamala Harris is on a level with or above Buttigieg in polling, and is also doing well in fundraising. 


It does feel like the media is now, as some of you have suggested, trying to freeze her out. Cillizza is the belt buckle of the Beltway.

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Break out the Members Only jackets, ladies and gentlemen, and crank the volume on those boomboxes to the max!  That greedy son of a so-and-so, Michael Milken, is back in the news!


https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/26/business/michael-milken-trump-opportunity-zones.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

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