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Of all the people who blast federal workers, McConnell doing so is the height of hypocrisy, since his wife has been appointed to various roles (and never done anything of note in them) for many years. 


I wish I was surprised that media darling Chris Christie got the usual roses and champagne for his book tour, with various "liberal" hacks having him on to trash Obama and defend Trump. 


Even now the media still prefers Trump to Obama. I guess because Obama never needed them, and never will.


I think all the hyper negativity against her has led to backlash, as she's doing much better in polls than I might have expected. 

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The odious Ron Fournier, who helped destroy the longtime reputation of the AP, is now out there passing himself off as a "bipartisan" voice (we all know what that really means).




Reading the comments I see that "liberal" MSNBC is fighting for him tooth and nail, as they are the Starbucks guy. This is why I will never say a word of praise about that network just because they have a few progressives in front of the camera.

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@marceline has gotten me to take a closer look at Sherrod Brown over the past several months.  His own record surpasses any of the baloney populism Sanders and Trump spew. And he also seems to be a SJW himself.


It's disappointing to see people attacking him for this statement about democrats out of touch with the "working class" but I think the Sanders pandering to that has skewed a lot of perception about whether this is a dog whistle. Well plus the fact that neither Sanders or Trump has any kind of prior experience in working or dealing with real social justice issues.



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