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Weigel's tweet interests me mostly because I'm pretty sure this is exactly what that phony Bloomberg is likely going to do. And the media will lap it up, as they spent years trying to make him happen (remember when he was going to run in 2012, or 2016, or when he was going to stop national gun violence?).


I'm not a woman so I have no room to speak about how they will vote, but in this case I do wonder how much of the Trump female vote is already locked in due to what he did in 2016. You knew what you were getting with him, to say the least, in terms of misogyny and harassment of women.


If he loses some of the female vote I think it will be on economic issues, or maybe, to a lesser degree, social issues. 

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I feel the same way.  As the saying goes, the fix is in.


No offense to any white women here, but I don't give a damn what y'all are gonna do in the midterms.  You made it clear whose side you were on when the majority of you chose Trump.  Ergo, I say, concentrate on getting more POC to bring the votes, along with independents who might sway to the left, or people who, like myself, chose to sit out the last election for whatever, foolish reasons.


ESPECIALLY go after folks like me, because, if 2016 taught us anything, it's that we can't count on white men or women anymore to do the choosing for us.


If Bloomberg ends up as the Democrats' candidate, then we might as well cede the next election to Trump.  Plain and simple.

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I don't think he'll run as a Democrat. I think he'll run as a "third way" type to push this fantasy that many in the media have of some kind of dream party combining the GOP's fiscal conservatism with the Democrats' social liberalism. I remember when they got hot over this in 2016, only for it to go nowhere.

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Chuck Grassley is reminding me that before he mostly became known for being a huge [!@#$%^&*] with too much power there used to be "fun" articles about his wacky social media adventures. Which apparently involve him tweeting like he's texting on the toilet.




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The "liberal" Washington Post can't let the NYT outdo them. I know remember Kathleen Parker from her op-eds and her appearances on that PBS show To The Contrary, and she's always been a conservative.




McConnell speaking to some loving, kind hearted, tolerant, right wing christians. I hate this man and it was a hard for me to listen to this without having some bad thoughts.

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You're not alone.


I'm sure there are some women out there who come forward with "Mitch McConnell tried to force himself on me" stories...just as I'm sure every single one of those encounters ended with the woman-in-question collapsing into uncontrollable laughter over McConnell's clumsiness.

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This should be disturbing to folks: Starting last year, the Afghan and U.S. governments started keeping the death tolls in Afghanistan a secret.  This NYT article posits that the death toll has only gone up since 2016.


The Death Toll for Afghan Forces Is Secret. Here’s Why.


"Seventeen years after the United States went to war in Afghanistan, the Taliban is gaining momentum, seizing territory, and killing Afghan security forces in record numbers."


"Last week was especially bad, with more than 400 killed, according to an account by diplomats. But even the average numbers in recent months — from 30 to 40 a day, according to senior Afghan officials — represent a substantial upswing from two years ago and appear unsustainable in a country that has been shattered by decades of war."


About 400 Afghan police and soldiers were killed last week, according to details leaked from a meeting between American diplomats.  400??!!!  

When questioned, apparently the diplomats said that they weren't talking literally but in terms of sacrifice. 

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^^I saw that CNN video on social media and something told me not to post it here. 

It was just an instinct that I got and I searched the subtweets and saw that someone claimed to know a few of the women in the gathering and identified them as GOP operatives (they may have used another word instead of operatives, though).

I got a bad vibe after watching that video and ultimately decided not to post it here even before I had read about who some of who these women might be.

What terrible people these folks are!  Also, I'm glad I no longer subscribe to cable and that CNN gets none of my money and very little of my time.

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