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Have you checked out the process? I imagine it's hard, but maybe not impossible. 


I wonder if there is anyone with the power to tell 45 "no" when it comes to this parade.  It's completely insane, but he's the Commander if Chief. Obviously, Congress should be trying to shame him out of this.

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Agree.  Of course, we know they won't.  Not the Republicans, anyway.  They'll try to spin that opposing this parade means you don't support the military -- which couldn't be further from the truth, if you ask me.


If I truly believed that he was doing this FOR our troops, then I wouldn't hesitate in pledging my support.  But it's just so obvious that Donny Small Hands wants only to show off.

Edited by Khan
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Yep. I agree with Vee that 45 is some genius, but at the same time he has pretty good instincts when it comes to dividing people.  There's also a little gaslighting going on here. He's aware that some people think he's a fascist.  This type of military parade is right up the ally of some kind of "strong man" dictator.


This tweet makes me happy.




Edited by Juliajms
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