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Yeah, that might be the best solution, since it seems he won't be shamed out of the race. 

I wish the loophole existed.  I would rather see a half way decent human being elected than take the chance an actual child molester is elected to the Senate. My god. Things are so far off the rails.


I'm not religious, but I truly do not believe a country can prosper when citizens see that we are being led by evil people. Things are already bad enough this would be one more step toward perdition. 

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I don't read Stephen King's books because, quite frankly, they scare the [!@#$%^&*] out of me.  Nevertheless, I think he is one amazing guy.

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I'm with @marceline and with @Eric83.   I almost WANT Moore to win.  It would serve the GOP right after all the terrible things they've said and felt about homosexuality.


(Could I just say again how SUPER proud I am of the LGBT community these days?  When Kevin Spacey released his ridiculously self-serving public "apology," I was so sure GLAAD and other organizations were going to rally behind him.  Instead, they proved THIS cynic and misanthrope wrong, and condemned him for using his coming out as a shield to hide behind allegations of pedophilia.  In the process, the LGBT community proved, once and for all, that they possess WAY more morals than these folks from the GOP who rally now behind Roy Moore.)

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I still have memories burned into my brain of the days when GLAAD was more interested in material like Boat Trip than on real issues, so yes, I'm glad they have grown up. As much as the gay community/lgbt community is divided and dysfunctional, the last decade has brought so many changes that most never expected that I think some people have finally realized how much we have to lose.


I'd love to say that supporting this evil man will cause the public to see the hypocrisy and cravenness of the GOP - I wish I could. I just don't believe the GOP will ever face any real voting retribution for their vile ways. Virginia proved me wrong so maybe other races will too.


I saw that some "conservatives" were going around retweeting something saying that Moore just hurts children, while Democrats hurt everyone. (the word was a little cruder than "hurt" - it was "screw"). I wanted to vomit, because I realized that's where we are - people are openly admitting that they simply do not care about children being assaulted, as long as the end result aligns with their own goals. 


And these are the same people who go on and on and on about morality and family values. 


They are soulless monsters and they are the ruin of humanity.

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JMO but I think that like ISIS, the GOP is most likely to deteriorate from the within the organization with infighting between various factions.


I read another article several weeks ago hypothesizing on the cause and method of ambush on the U.S. and Nigerien soldiers and Niger and this article bears some of that out but the details of what happened to what happened to them, especially Sgt. Johnson, are especially grim.


U.S. soldier in Niger ambush was bound and apparently executed, villagers say


It appears that the mission changed along the way and there were a series of miscalculations committed, including the decision for the soldiers to extend their stay in the area and sleep along the Mali-Niger border, a particularly dangerous area that left them vulnerable to ambush by the jihadist militants.

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3 reasons 

- Male

- White

- Heterosexual

oh and one more reason "A republican"



So apparently Roy Moore having "women issues" was known for years.


Edited by JaneAusten
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I read that they said they'd welcome us back. I imagine that would be at a high price. Not that I can blame them.


How foolish we must look to people around the world when we aren't doing any trade deals with Asia yet he is going to Asian countries acting like Clark Grizwold. 

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Welcomed back to the Paris Climate Accord?  Or the TPP?


Because I think the welcome is contingent on a demonstrated commitment.  This doesn't mean unfettered access to talks and final negotiation sessions between countries that have actually signed on. 


I could see where some countries wouldn't want the U.S. present unless they signed on, it might be disruptive to the process of hammering out all the details and benchmarks.

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It's kind of like what Will said recently on "Will & Grace": the minute the LGBT community forgets how far they have come, that's the minute it all could be taken away.


Trump Nation has proven that they're beyond the pale when it comes to things like morality.  So, no, I DON'T expect voters to "send a message" to the GOP by not voting for Moore.  Like you said, Carl: if anything, they'll probably believe Moore's assertion that this is just a smear campaign being orchestrated by the leftist media and come out even stronger for him.  But that's okay.  They showed me a long time ago who they really were; and in the end, that's all I ask.

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To me, the concept of being innocent until proven guilty in this country is about the biggest joke ever, if only because that's invoked too often to shield individuals who are almost always 1) White and 2) male.  A White man is accused of raping and/or molesting a woman or underaged girl -- "but maybe she's lying."  A White man is arrested for gunning down and killing a Black (or other non-White) male -- "but maybe that Black guy said or did something to make him feel threatened."


OTOH, let it be a Black man -- or again, any other, non-White man -- who is accused of similar crimes, and suddenly, being innocent until proven guilty isn't even an option.  Nope.  If they're Black, or Asian, or Hispanic, or whatever, they're automatically guilty.  And not just guilty, but guilty as hell.


So, no, creeps like Roy Moore don't get the luxury of being innocent until proven guilty.  Not from me, anyway.

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To be fair, there's infighting going on within the Democratic Party as well.  (If we didn't know that before the likes of Bernie Sanders came upon the scene, we certainly know it now.)  But I think the Democratic Party will weather the storm, so to speak, because, at the end of the day, they are built on core values that pulls us through the worst of times (such as these).  I don't believe any could say the same about the GOP of today.


"I'm gobsmacked," said no one.

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More like "welcomed back to Planet Earth."

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