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That only matters if we are still under the rule of law.  How sure are we that that's the case? Look at the corruption and ethics violations that are already going on and no one is stopping it.

Nothing done in Congress, but still a lot of awful things are being done. Looks at the refugee situation and all the environmental and consumer protections being gutted. All of us in this thread can probably name 10 horrible things that have happened because of Trump.

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I'm not discounting any of that, particularly the EPA side. I highly doubt most even understand the impact of what's happening at the EPA. Kristoff at the NY Times has done some great work on this. I hope at least those on the purist left are paying attention as we become an over polluted country again all in the interests of the fossil fuel industry. That's what happens when you only plan to vote for the purist of the pure.

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A reporter just said that even if Trump uses pardon, due to the fact that many of Manafort's crimes have taken place in NY jurisdiction, Schneiderman will go hard on Manafort.

Cy Vance, who has recently been heavily criticized for going light against the Trump kids and Weinstein will face an inordinate amount of pressure to prosecute to the fullest and he will, if he wants to have a chance to keep his job.

Pardon or no pardon, Manafort faces serious jail time.

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