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You know, I'm not going to get mad at McCain for this?  AFAIK, he never said he wasn't for repealing and/or replacing Obamacare.  He just wanted it done the right way, with open hearings and bipartisan efforts to amend the bill.  The total opposite, I think, of whatever McConnell and his team tried to sneak through.

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Speaking of trolls...Facebook is copping to just how much advertising dollars these fake FB accounts were spending to promote misleading political ads.


Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads



Honestly, there's not much to laugh about these days, but even I have to chuckle at all these instances of Trump undermining his own party's efforts.

Jeff Sessions (AKA Evil Keebler elf) makes what he believes to be a definitive statement that DACA is a matter for Congress alone and no president has the authority to change/determine immigration policy.

Hours later,  Trump tweets out a threat that if Congress doesn't act that he will "revisit" the issue. Uh, so much for the party line that it isn't the president's biz.

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Yes, he did on the Debt Ceiling- a measure to keep the government "running" until December. And he made the deal with...wait for it...Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi!

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The already fractured and continually fracturing GOP,  (if you believe the newspapers) are POed at Trump. Bannon is plotting from his cave in D.C. to launch an autumn "war" within the GOP.


Add to all this, some Republicans in Congress have signed onto a bill to dismantle gerrymandering (which the Republicans have largely benefited from for the past 12-15 years now), citing the need to 'protect the Republic, not Republicans').


Its. all. happening.


Edited by DramatistDreamer
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