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You know, that's a good point?  And either way, this gives white supremacists another opportunity to say, "See, WE aren't the ones being violent, it's THEM!".


Today I saw two different memes that implied Black people were the ones responsible for the carnage that FOB alleges is happening everyday in this country; and I thought, "Yep, I knew this would happen once he was in.  I knew they would forget all about the Muslims and the Mexicans and the other 'illegals' they swear are destroying this country and blame it all on us...again...as usual."


Racists in this country are nothing if not predictable.

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Of COURSE Obama's first inauguration would attract record-breaking crowds.  That's why I'm kind of on the side of those who want to move on from "Crowdgate."


Also, MSM, drop Cakegate.  Carl's right, there are more serious stories you need to cover.

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Why are we supposed to move on when Trump can't? His press secretary's first press conference was devoted entirely to screaming about the wet grass and magnetometers as excuses for a smaller crowd! If this is how they choose to conduct themselves and what he chooses to obsess on, he will be publicly shamed and mocked for it.


What the media should do is report on all of that and hold him to the fire on policy, not get distracted. Some will do this, some won't. But it is important to keep naming and shaming this behavior as abnormal, outrageous, ridiculous and hilarious - that keeps Trump from falling into any kind of normalized space in the American mind as being "business as usual". That, above all, is what we cannot afford.

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Spicer had nothing to say about the size of the Women's March crowd.  Tomorrow the Trumpkins will probably go on all the Sunday show's whining about the media and how they didn't praise his speech.  Any mention of the Women and they will try to twist it into how the anti-abortionist group was not welcomed.


Trumpkins are on a mission to gaslight the thinking public and divert people from the truth.  I'd be an alcoholic if I took a drink every time one of them called the ACA a failed Obama policy when asked what their replacement plan is.

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There's a difference between letting him dictate the coverage and countering it.


Ignoring his first press secretary's briefing opening with this would be normalizing his behavior and letting it become a matter of day-to-day course. That cannot be allowed to happen. And no, not all the media wants to feel cool - some are genuinely shocked and appalled by this behavior, as we are, and want to shine a light on it. If we don't call it what it was, we don't combat it.


In Russia, Putin and his people's boldfaced lies are now just a daily occurrence. We can't let that happen. We don't have to follow the tail that wags the dog on his other stunts, but this is not an engineered cover, this is Trump being Trump and him and his people not knowing when to stop.

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This may have been posted already, but David Brock is now funding the start of a Breitbart for the left. I'm no fan of Brock's by any means, but David Sirosta I hope can be a controlling force. I know Sirosta was scathing on Hillary but it might be good having someone at the help with an opposing view. We'll see. Obviously I am skeptical but it's sadly something needed. The left also needs more media outlets so the message can get out to the non urban areas.




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When you don't have any real arguments, use the "nazi" or "russian agent" cards. Everyone has the right to their opinion. You don't have the right to punch someone, vandalise stores or burn cars.


Btw, weren't you the one who said that Trump wouldn't be the republican nominee, that he wouldn't debate Hillary, and that he wouldn't win the election? You were wrong every single time. You have no credibility no matter how much you try to bully others who post in this thread.

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Please go take your complaints about spotlighting Russian collusion and high treason up with every single American intelligence agency. 


As for the right or wrong ways to handle Nazis, I will do that and more if I have to, just as my grandparents did. We live in a culture where angry, confused men of the right wing are killing people like me and so many others in the streets every month of the year. Naming, shaming and occasionally beating the loudest one to a pulp is the very least we can do. If you have a problem with how we treat bigoted maniacs in this country, go ask your parents' parents how high we hung them before we were through.

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