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I was about to say, consider the source (*coughs* Breitbart), who is not above/below distorting information. In any case, if something is truly 'amiss' as the article claims, then it is the responsibility of the Governor (who also happens to be a Republican) to fix it.


Having dead registered voters on the roles indicates a lack of administrative oversight. Now, if many of those dead registered voters are actually voting, that is an entirely separate (and worrying issue) and two voters hardly qualify as worrying. What's more, the post (I won't even call it an article) didn't mention what party those two dead voters were affiliated with, had they been Democrats, don't you think the post would've mentioned this? 


I call foul on that post, "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".

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How can a billionaire who owes taxes still be allowed to run for governor...anywhere? I don't care whether he's Democrat or Republican, that is ridiculous! I guess only in coal country with a coal magnate.  Ugh.


West Virginia candidate for governor owes millions in taxes


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I like reading Charles Blow's Op-Ed pieces. I hope he does more videos on Facebook, they were a hoot!:lol:


I've been reading recently about POTUS' post presidential plans and although many wouldn't consider it 'sexy' political work, it is very impactful and therefore, I find it highly interesting.


Obama’s post-presidency political focus: Redistricting



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This is why nobody normal can run for president.   In the 1980s Trump was a single guy boozing, drugging and having sex with models.  Good for him, that is what a millionaire single guy in NYC should be doing, no?   Some of the girls were 16 and he didn't know it, or if he did no one asked and no one told.    That's commonplace too.  The point is I'd rather that than a Ted Cruz type claiming as soon as they landed on US soil they were born again and fell in love with country music.   It is Trump's crazy days that informed him to not care about gay marriage or whether Caitlyn Jenner wants to use his ladies room.   Let stick up his ass Mike Pence and his church going sobriety serve as a role model to republicans everywhere, but I don't think Trump should be criticized for daring to engage in a little healthy debauchery during his younger days. 


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For me, it's not about Trump's days of debauchery but the fact that he lies about everything (he's even lied under oath while giving a deposition) and even more than that he has shown himself to be utterly offensive in every conceivable way. He (along with his father) used Trump rental properties to openly discriminate against swaths of people based solely on color.  He has cheated vendors and people who have done business with him in good faith. He has promoted openly racist, sexist, xenophobic and otherwise offensive proposals and made false statements repeatedly, even after his statements have been proven false.  He has quoted white supremacists and retweeted white nationalist and used Nazi imagery during his campaign. As a woman and a person of color, I could never waste my vote even considering this man for any job in public service, let alone the highest one in the land.  His debauched days are the least of what's wrong with this man.

If I were a Republican and I had to choose between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, I'd choose NEITHER.


Ironic to read your post @quartermainefan, after having just read this Op-Ed. I wasn't going to post it but I have changed my mind because it seems very appropriate after having read your post.


Dear Republican Voters ...

OMG, replace the candidate's names, the dates and the site of the convention and this commercial is so utterly prescient. Incredible!


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I couldn't care less who Trump was boning then or now prided the other parties were consenting which clearly in many cases they weren't. My problem with Trump is that he's a mentally ill fascist and pathological liar. So pathological that he will claim that he never said something that he literally said on camera an hour earlier then will double down on ever more ridiculous lies. This man should be in a dementia ward, not running for any office anywhere. He an emotionally stunted lunatic with zero impulse control running for a job where he could kill people on a whim.

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And Goldwater was beat in a landslide.


My father who is gone now was a lifelong republican(well until GWB - he liked and voted for Clinton and Gore and of course FDR) and even he was unable to vote for Goldwater. In later years he said he scared the *hit out of him and had no idea how his party(he was more an Eisenhower republican) could put someone like this steps away from the Presidency. But I also believe people who survived WW2 and served(my father was in Europe and Germany) saw firsthand the dangers of lunacy and extremism in power. I think it's why it disturbs me so much when there are those who seem so impressed by Trump's flamboyancy, ignoring what's behind that is someone who's likely at best a sociopath at worst a monster. This is not entertainment it's the most powerful job in the world and laughing at someone who could likely lead to the nuclear destruction of the world is not something I find particularly humorous.

People so impressed with Trump's rise to the top of the GOP(like rising to the top of a group of lunatics means something) are going to wonder why Trump's businesses are suffering. His lovely new hotel in DC has cut rates in half due to low occupancy. Heck the World Bank had their meeting in DC 2 weeks ago and not a hotel room to be found except at his hotel which still sat half occupied. Anyone believing the genius Trump's businesss aren't suffering is fooling themselves. And boycotts have been started with retailers who sell Trump or Ivanka Trump products. Now whatever media empire they start to target his racist, misogynistic, and xenophobic base may salvage them, but the brand is basically destroyed. In fact they are planning on naming the new hotel chain Scion(I doubt that will matter in the end). And sadly his children who I thought better of(at least Ivanka) seem to fit the same mold.

Edited by JaneAusten
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