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I've been saying the GOP would split since the emergence of the Tea Party.

A few days ago, one article in the NYT stated that Arizona and Georgia were both "possible" for HRC to win, as well as the possibility of the Democratic party in Senate races. That's the most I've heard in the MSM. 

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Hillary is also putting campaign resources into Indiana, along with Arizona and Missouri. Which doesn't shock me much; Mike Pence is an ass shart who has turned almost EVERYONE in Indiana outside of hardcore evangelicals against him. They didn't want him to be Governor again this year; they SURE AS HELL don't want him to be Vice (de facto) President. 

It makes me crazy how little some of the despicable things he's done as Governor have been addressed since he joined the ticket with Trump. Even if his path to the presidency is nonexistent now, that [!@#$%^&*] MATTERS. 

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The lead contaminated soil in poorer neighborhoods in Indiana is every bit as awful as the lead contaminated water in Flint but you wouldn't know this judging by how little press it gets. I know a VP isn't running for President but Pence has gotten the least amount of scrutiny of any VP candidate that I can remember!

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Not to mention that he was active in closing one of the only Planned Parenthood offices in Southeast Indiana--where I once lived and know several people--and which led to an ALARMING increase of HIV cases in Scott County in particular. And yet I don't think that's been brought up by the press in regards to Pence even once. Disgusting.

I mean, granted, there are plenty of OTHER terrible things he's done that HAVE been brought up, however briefly, but still. 

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During the last Presidential election in 2012, I remember reading an article where some Texans based in Austin talked of their passion to turn the state blue. If that does indeed happen, I suspect that it will be due to a combination of factors (of which revulsion for Trump might be just one of them).


I'm reading this review of Michael Moore's spontaneously released film and this may in fact be the real October surprise. According to this NYT article, Moore (a Sanders supporter) actually makes a case for supporting Hillary


Review: ‘Michael Moore in TrumpLand’ Isn’t About Donald Trump




Well, this is what many of us hope will happen. She was once my Senator and she did good work (often times, quietly going on about the business of accomplishing tasks) in the two years that she was there, surprising even her detractors and people who thought they had her pegged. Hopefully she will do so again as President.

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