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The longer this goes on the more I wonder if Trump will bring up another Scarborough rumor...


So is Colin Powell implying Hillary "blamed" him for her e-mail decisions because he's black? I couldn't understand what he was suggesting.

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You gotta love Donald Trump.  He "apologizes" for his incendiary remarks, and then turns right around and disparages a morning show host.  Don't change a hair for me, Donald.

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I keep reading this rumor that what he really wants to do is start a tv network. so he's poaching FN talent to do this. this is also why he ran for POTUS...which, if true, makes everyone who voted for him the biggest idiots and morons....because he would have played 15 million people. 

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You do realize in 2012 Obama was around 55% over the many weeks before the election before the final 60 days where that number turned around over time. I'd say 84% is a pretty healthy number at this point and it's going to shift over time. I keep saying wait for the debates because that's the only time I believe you are really going to start seeing any huge shift in polling numbers or in this. More dirt about Hillary and her email stuff isn't going to change anything because people already have their minds made up on that. And yes I do believe a lot of the population aside from the diehards have become tone deaf to it. It's fine for the GOP to keep it in the public eye but they have a secondary motive(or primary IMO) in trying to keep the senate from going democratic. As for Trump personally I think he's beyond the point where he is able to gain any type of more mainstream support. All this hype about pivoting, yet he gives a speech in Wisconsin about the African American vote to an audience that's 100% white.  The election is not over by any means,  but I am actually feeling a lot more confident than I was before the Khan family debacle. I don't think he had or has the capacity to overcome that.


Clinton's team is pulling their ads out of states like Virginia and Colorado and word is because they have a large lead, have confidence in their voting base, and also want to focus on states not only that they need to win but also states that have the critical senate races that might help turn the senate to the democrats. Trump has no ground game and doesn't seem interested in creating one. That's going to be critical.


I live in Illinois and one of those senate races is here. Mark Kirk is a sitting GOP senator and Tammy Duckworth a very popular war vet/congresswoman against him. The race currently is neck and neck according to polls but the GOP has already given in on this race. Duckworth is very popular here and attacking her on her service record(she lost both her legs in Iraq) is one way her congressional opponent lost to her when she ran for congress.

Edited by JaneAusten
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An interesting article about the terrible effects of Bill Clinton's welfare reform bill, in large part thanks to John Kasich.  I hope Hillary has the chance to change some of this. I knew JK was a jerk, but he should really be ashamed in the part he played in denying poor people Snap benefits. It really enrages me that he is making life hellish for his own constituents.



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Friends from Ohio long ago warned about Kasich. They found it almost laughable that media had him pegged as something of a moderate Republican voice when he is anything but moderate. It is only in comparison with Trump, does Kasich look anywhere near moderate.


Part of the fear that many progressives have about HRC has to do with some of Bill Clinton's policies that had disastrous effects, most of which stemmed from Bill's desire to be a Centrist. I do think that times are different now and there really is little appetite among the Democratic electorate for a Centrist posture. With the subject of very real income-inequality rising to the top of the Democratic agenda, even if HRC wanted to adopt a Centrist position, she will be tugged more to the left every time.  We're no longer in the 90s, we've been through the biggest Recession in most people's lifetime, times are very different from when Bill was president and I believe HRC already knows this.  The two things that she could adopt from Bill are his charisma and his ability to communicate with an audience and make them feel as if he is talking to each of them personally.  Otherwise, learn from his mistakes and recognize that our present times require a different type of governing. More humanity, less horse-trading.

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