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Many who have also expressed interest in voting for Donald Trump are delusional and believe that they can turn back the hands of time when White men felt they had more social and economic mobility, enough to be the sole breadwinner, and everyone else knew their place. For many of these people America was a better place and when they claim to want to 'take back the country', they essentially want to take America back to the 50s before the 'turbulent' years of Civil Rights, the Women's Movement and Gay Rights movements.  So many have claimed that back then, a White man knew where he stood...basically at the top of the socio-economic hill. 

Any doubts, look at the demographic core of Trump voters and who constitutes his largest part of his voting constituency.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Oh I definitely see a lot of this. The untrustworthiness and likability of HRC has been a factor from the very beginning.  The two major things I hear from people supporting Trump are that and their complete disregard for any of the racist, misogynistic, homophobic, fear mongering garbage that comes out of his mouth because IMO they secretly love each word. I don't discount that there are people who feel left behind and are struggling. And you hear about that particularly from people in the rust belt states. But maybe it sounds cold on my part, but I do think some of these people are using that as their reasoning for supporting Trump as they embrace every vile word that comes out of his mouth. Some may not say it, but they do. Even GOP leaders, the 2 Mr. Kahn reached out to in his last interview, I don't believe for one second either of the two, even Paul Ryan who some have fooled themselves into thinking is some beacon of light, secretly love every word coming out of Trump's mouth that demeans those they have been indirectly demeaning politically and policywise for years. He's saying everything they would love to say but haven't for years.



A friend of mine (white educated male) was supporting Trump. Nothing hateful between us, and his biggest issue is her trustworthiness. We've gone back and forth and nothing I pointed out mattered. He's also a conservative(and no he hates the tea party bullies). We had lunch yesterday and he finally admitted he just can't vote for Trump. I asked him what changed his mind. He watched the RNC and the DNC and said he had his come to Jesus moment when watching the Kahn's. But he said it was the buildup to that, Michael Bloomberg in particular who he is an admirer of, got to him. As did Joe Biden who he likes and believe it or not Tim Kaine. (all white males by the way but I left that thought on my part alone). He's now feeling almost ashamed for supporting Trump and finally acknowledged the man is mentally ill. Now he hasn't committed to voting for Hillary but one step at a time.

Edited by JaneAusten
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This is part of it, no doubt, but I think in general the world feels scarier (although arguably we're safer) and some people long for a simpler, slower time. Now we are so connected that we hear about every crazy thing that happens to individuals. At times I have to just disconnect or I find myself in a state of hyper-vigilance.  I'm sure one week back in the 70's would cure me of any nostalgia I have for my childhood quick enough though. The secondhand smoke alone would be enough to send me screaming back to this century.

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I think Paul Ryan is deluded enough to think he truly is helping people. That's the Ayn Rand philosophy - you crush people for their own good. It's what society is supposed to be. Trump doesn't care about whether he's helping anyone. He wants power and he wants to make sure everyone knows how powerful he is. That's why I think Paul Ryan is genuinely disillusioned by him. He has convinced himself that grinding into the dust is for the greater good. To Trump, it's just a way to get his dick hard.

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Trump voters include a lot of people who are convinced that minorities are stealing jobs and opportunities from them. While things are not completely equal, minorities can better compete for jobs than ever before and the playing field is more level. Trump is out there essentially saying that he will bring back the old hierarchy where things were race based, as opposed to qualification based. It's similar to apartheid in South Africa; even if you were white and had little or no qualifications, there would be some employment available regardless. When apartheid fell, that changed, because simply being white was no longer an advantage.

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Trump is on par with Palin right about now, except it worse because Palin wasn't running for President. Trump claiming that Putin won't go into Ukraine, he seems unaware that Russia has already gone into Ukraine and annexed Crimea.



Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Is he allowed to respond?  I would say, "No."  Because, with every response to every criticism against him, he starts yet another fracas on the Internet.


At some point, someone on his team has got to take away his smartphone and laptop.


And I REALLY feel sorry for his kids.  Because, if he loses, they will have a helluva time rehabilitating the Trump brand in the wake of all this.

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The only 3 I added were "No sir, you cannot have the FBI investigate Who Let The Dogs Out", "No sir, you cannot have the Battlestar Galactica to attack ISIS", "No sir, you cannot send out the CIA to find out how Stella Got Her Groove Back." 

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^^^ Hilarious.


I somehow missed this, but the other day, he got trapped in an elevator for a half hour. The fire department rescued him and the others (or I guess, more accurately, would be they rescued the others...ha)... Then, later on, Trump would blame the fire dept. for not letting any more people into his rally due to public safety/fire hazard concerns. 



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I would say yes. Let him self sabotage. *fingers crossed*


The jobs that many white male Trump supporters are angry about are long gone from the economy and they aren't coming back.  That's a problem for all of us regardless of race or gender. Trump can't fix it and neither can HRC. Trump tries to use it to race bait and HRC makes pie in the sky promises.  Probably the one thing that really made me roll my eyes at her speech is when she talked about good well paying jobs for everyone who wants one. Good luck with that.
It's actually very sad that young people who only have a high school degree are unlikely to get a middle class job now. Not everyone can afford college (one thing we can and should change), but there's a large number that aren't academically suited for it and those people are getting left behind in huge numbers.  That's something that's going to fuel inequality for decades to come.  I'd like to believe someone will come up with a solution to that, but I'm highly skeptical.
Edited by Juliajms
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This video is scary... Jimmy Kimmel made up stuff about what was in Hillary's emails and then told people about it, and they were like, "Yeah, I saw those emails. Heard about those. Doesn't surprise me." I'm going to assume (and hope) that off camera, someone told them the truth. 


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That Jimmy Kimmel video is a good example of the problem Hilary has. I truly feel she's been demonized for years mainly for being a woman and people just make up reasons to hate her. If she was a man she wouldn't be nearly as disliked as she is.

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Kind of alarming that the media is just starting to look at Paul Manafort, who apparently has a history of advising authoritarian leaders like Mobutu Sese Seko (Zaire)  and Ferdinand Marcos (Phillipines) in addition to Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine whom everybody knows was being guided by Russia and now protected by Russia after he fled the Ukraine and left it in chaos.  I would assume that Manafort is the real mouth piece for Trump's views on Russia.

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