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I am glad you said this. I was listening to the local progressive talk radio station in Chicago(yes we still have one) and they were talking to Bernie supporters. I found a lot of the feedback very interesting. One woman in fact said that while she was not a Hillary supporter she would vote for her. Her reasoning was similar to what you have noted, that many of these people can't honestly live with a Trump presidency, and I am not talking about conscience I am talking policy, and that their livelihoods depend on certain policies and programs being in place. She said many of Bernie supporters are people who have no problem throwing the democratic candidate under the bus to stand on "principle" because those people(the white idealists) can live through a Trump presidency where many of the people out there can't. At least this is a Bernie supporter who gets it. Most don't and honestly have no concept of what electing Trump would mean to things like the senate, house, and most of all the Supreme Court and the impact another so many years of a right wing supreme court will mean.

Edited by JaneAusten
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This awful tragedy that has happened today!  Honestly, I have no more words left.  This level of carnage simply does not happen with this frequency in other 'wealty, democratic' countries!  This is unacceptable, regardless of shooter's motives.  Why can't our Congress understand this???


Have we become so inured to the shootings that happen every single day, in cities and towns that it no longer matters if 20, 30, 50 people are mowed down in the space of minutes?  People say that knives can people and I understand that but can an ordinary coward with a disorder and a grudge kill 50 people in minutes with a knife?


Often times legislation when it is passed, needs to be further shaped, sharpened, sometimes eased for exceptions.  The most obvious example being our Ammendments.  I'd rather pass the bill and then further shape and ammend, then have nothing at all while waiting for the perfection that never arrives.  Human beings are not perfect, why do we wait for the perfect set of circumstances to act?  This is why I have little tolerance for legislators that shoot down efforts until perfection arrives.  This is where waiting for the perfect gun reform bill has led us.


We've been speaking of conscience a lot in this thread.  I hope that those people who sat on their hands and allowed the gun reform bill to die after the Newtown tragedy will really search their consciences and ask if the state that we are currently in is better than passing that bill.  Seriously, I'd really like to know... was the compromise necessary to pass that bill worse than what we must endure with each report of utter carnage every time one of these tragedies happen?

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I was very disturbed as I watched Rep. Jim Clyburn and other Democrats ask about the bills on gun legislation and the House Republicans led by Paul Ryan ignored them and dispersed from the chambers. Yet these are people who make lifetime careers out of saying they care for American citizens but walked out on discussing solutions to protect American lives.


Ive come to the sad and bitter conclusion that these "politicians" don't value our lives. As long as the NRA keeps funneling gifts their way they don't care how many lives are lost or irreparably damaged by gun violence. It's just collateral damage.

Paul Ryan will find time to craft legislation to keep children, elderly, and disabled citizens from getting food stamps though....

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I had a conversation with a libertarian about guns the other day and they have such a weird way of seeing things.   In his view, guns are needed for the day the government comes calling, and that the only thing that stops a government from becoming a dictatorship is a fear of the people.   I said they won't fear your guns, and he went into the first thing the nazis did was make sure they were the only ones who had guns.   It's such an odd worldview.

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Crazy talk. As if a bunch of civilians would have been a match for the Nazi war machine just because they had a few guns. Same thing with these Rambo wannabes who think civilians with guns would be a match for the American military. Somehow they manage to forget about the satellites, drones,  tanks, missile launchers, bombs, supplies and organization our military would bring in that scenario. If the government ever does come calling (and yeah, I don't believe it will) we're screwed.

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