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Nothing, and he vanished from the race too LOL.

the long lines are hard. i mean, ideally there would be more polling places open, but that isnt realistic in a lot of areas. Many people go in and read the ballot over and try to decide how to vote, taking longer than if they knew before/had an idea.

Thats what it is, really.

They pick people to run of hate and fear. Glad it didnt work.

I love how this is Sandys fault, yet it was Gods plan.

No, but all of my friends wanted to know if roseanne was from the tv show and if they could vote for her, lol.

Its very telling how involve Clinton was and how distance Bush was.

The republic party really has become the old, rich, religious white man and women who love them party. They turn away from any chance at evolution and growth. The Tea Party movement was the moment republicans should have taken to move away from their old agenda and into a new one. Women, gays, non-white race, the poor/working class/middle class, etc all showed up tonight and made it clear their hatred would not be tolerated any longer. The numbers of those groups will grow largely in the next four years, we will have four new years of voters who remember this and a lot of the elderly part of the party will have passed. They are totally screwed. They laugh and mock the Megan mcCain type of republicans they should be learning from, honestly.

Yes, now California needs to go ahead and legalize it, tax it high, and make a profit!

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I am so deliriously happy this morning and a bit loopy from tiredness. Last night was a tremendous victory for "we the people" against the plutocrats who used their millions to try and buy the election and suppress the vote of minorities. From the early voting demographics (can't wait to see how Nate breaks it down), "we the people" formed a mass coalition of young people, women, the white working class, African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and other minorities fought back against voter suppression, standing in long lines, to protect our futures, reject deceit and the interests of the 1% so we can build a better country together. Absolutely amazing! Kudos to all of us.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Bwah. You know all the women usually have to stay out reach.

OMG, Diane Sawyer was drunk! She must have a serious problem if she could not stay away from the booze before this broadcast. I wish we had a bubble over Stephanopoulos' head to see what he was thinking with that smile pasted on his face.

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Californians are crazy but they seem to be going the right way on most of the propositioins. I'm glad I don't live in Darrell Issa's district but I guess he uses his money to keep himself in office.

Chris Matthews seems to get worse and worse. First he was complaining that Barack Obama didn't thank Bill Clinton in his speech and he got more negative from there. I guess his show will now be about the Clintons and how to get them back in the White House. Let the salivating over Hilary Clinton begin.

Maybe they'll save it for her Lifetime biopic. There was a time when most of our local ABC News anchors would get high before they aired....maybe even during breaks too. Lifetime's been showing the movie about Jessica Savitch more frequently. I see a Diane Sawyer version on the horizon.

Anyway I'm glad AnnRomney's not going to get her wish to redecorate the White House. Good riddance to her and her husband, all the boys, and odd looking Paul Ryan (whose star is dimmed for now).

I do have to give Mitt Romney credit for his concession speech. It was gracious and his crowd was too. They didn't boo the President and they showed a lot of class in that moment of deefeat.

This morning's shows are a snoozefest so far. Maybe someone ought to bring up how all that "real Americans" rhetoric put some voters off and how that hatred with which the President was showered, motivated people who might not have planned to vote to show up and fight against the "true divisiveness." A changing demo is one thing but motivating that demo to push back afgainst the animosity and disdain that the Republican party has shown for them is another altogether. Pat Buchanan must be rollingi in his grave bed.

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Chris Matthews can be a blowhard, but he's a good guy. He loves Obama. He just has a bee in his bonnet on a few specific things he would've done. Fine. We all do. He'll get over it. He's very happy - anyone who saw him in the last few days or weeks knows that.

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Amen to that! Once again, my Niece who has been indocrinated by her father to be a tea partier/theocrat posted this, and is a perfect example of why the Republicans lost last night:

Goodbye economy (at least what we had left of it). Hello more taxes, higher unemployment, insane sky high debt, and even lower morals. I know that's a negative statement, and I don't care. It doesn't mean it isn't true. We're following in the footsteps of Rome. Yes, God is still in control and he can accomplish his will through it all, but it doesn't mean I have to like what's going on.

The thing is, her OWN grandfather (my father, a baptist minister, who she didn't bother to send flowers to his funeral) voted for Obama in 2008, and so did my mother, and my mother voted for Obama last night. And of all the badmouthing my neice does about Obama the last couple of days, she sure didn't turn down Obama's first time home buyer's credit!!! I wanted SO BAD to tell her to give that credit BACK if she's so against his policies... but I have to opt to keep peace in the family (sigh) But this is the mindset we're dealing with.

Edited by alphanguy74
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