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Rev. Joseph Lowery, the pastor who Obama chose to give the benediction at his inauguration--and to whom Obama awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom--says that "all white folks are going to hell". And we thought Rev. Jeremiah Wright--Obama's friend and pastor of 20 years--was a racist. http://atlanta.cbslo...-a-hand-basket/# So, if we don't agree with him, we're not supposed to mention it? Yes, it's ugly and it's wrong, but ignoring this is just as wrong. We -- collective "we" as a the human race-- "we" ALL should be incensed that It's WRONG on ALL counts. But, where's the public uproar? If a White Republican Mormon Minister had said this, there'd be hell to pay in the press.

Brings to my mind some old sayings, taught to me by my parents: "You are judged by the company you keep", and "Birds of a feather flock together".

I heard that too, no wonder we have such racist remarks from those who are not White. Those that hear this garbage and believe it's true are being brain washed....it's disgusting, how can our Nation come together when they have cheer leaders like Rev. Joseph Lowery !!! He doesn't deserve the title Reverand!

We have too much "Keeping our mouths shut" from the Liberals...just look at the Media. They are now just starting to investigate the fact that our President and State Dept did nothing to help those poor men in Bengazhi. AND, only because FOX had the guts to investigate. I bet some people would be amazed just what they'd learn is truth by watching it. Some of us already knew about this and were outraged.....was anyone else? Because people just keep their mouths shut with a who cares as long as Obama gets back into office then it's OK. Also,now it's confirmed that the Obama Administration did not call for help. The lie's are catching up to Obama. I'm glad CBS has finally acknowledged this as well.

Seems to me, to sit back and say nothing is similar to what happened with the Jews back in Germany. The Government knows best...yeah, right! We have kids singing about Obama and how wonderful he is.....they did that with Hitler too. Oh, the praises of that wonderful man....who will save the world.

Why doesn't anyone find it idiotic that a President who knows nothing about the economy wants to have a Director of Economy? Don't they realize we need a President who totally understands the economy? People have no idea just what is ahead for our Country if he gets back into office and I have to go along for the ride.

Edited by Sundance
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To be fair, I think that the NY Times deal has exposed Nate's work to a wider audience over shorter period than when his FiveThrityEight blog was independent. However, I agree with you that the Times has used FiveThrityEight to lure higher income younger people to get subscriptions. I also think that the Times' election coverage has gotten more prestige and attention because of Nate's solid statistical analyses. However, I got a vibe from the interview with Nate that he was not thrilled by the restrictions that the Times' editors put on his interpretation of his analyses. I must say that the attacks on Nate's work revealed many of the mainstream political pundits and writers to be uninformed corrupt lazy hacks and frauds to not just us, but to their own colleagues.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Is it "Trot Out Crazy Clergy Time" again already?

Should I post the numerous videos of Catholic priests saying that voting for Obama means eternal damnation? Or should I stick with the classics of Bryan Fischer, Pat Robertson and John Hagee?

Yes, but there's also that de rigeur mention of Benghazi so I give points for keeping it fresh and sticking to the script.

Edited by marceline
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My short response to this is does he keep company with Rick Warren who gave the inaugural prayer and all the other participants in the inaugural ceremony?

Don't just pick one out--please give us the rundown on all of them and then give us the rundown on all the participants of the inaugural ceremonies of all the preceding Presidents.

Then maybe you can explain to me why it's okay for Pat Robertson to condemn the people of New Orleans over Hurricane Katrina....

Why it's okay for Mike Huckabee to say that Christians who vote for Barack Obama are going to hell and seemingly taking the whole nation with them....

Why no outrage over the all the hatred and ugliness like the Southern Baptist leader who basically said that white people should be afraid of black men since they were more likely to do them harm (which is not supported by any crime statistics but just his racism)?

Please enlighten.

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How about the fact that Bryan Fischer of the A.F.A (a known hate group) verbally attacked Mitt Romney's openly gay campaign spokesman Richard Grenell for nothing other than his sexual orientation, leading Grendell to resign while Mitt Romney sat on the sidelines and did nothing. No defense or support of a man he called a friend. He just caved like the soulless, craven coward he is.

If you want to pull in the candidates religious affiliations, I say bring it on. Romney is a bishop in a church that posthumously baptized Anne Frank TEN times, the most recent in February of this year.

Edited by marceline
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So then why haven't you provided the proof that Barack Obama associates with him other than having had him perform the benediction at his inauguration? You seem to be implying that they are in contact with each other and that Barack Obama shares his views....and you are saying that Barack Obama thinks his mother went to hell but let's play this game some more...

Even if you want to go back to Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama's 20 year membership in the church of which Jeremiah Wright was the pastor, then you might want to explain whether it's better to be a lifelong member in a church that had as part of its doctrine that black men could not be leaders in the church since they were by virtue of their race, going to hell? This is the doctrine that once abolished, Mitt Romney claims to have pulled his car over to the side of the road and wept. If he felt so strongly against that doctrine, then why be a part of it and explicitly or implicitly condone it?

This great revelation from God that they claimed led to the change was the result of their desire to expand their church into Brazil where they would have had a hard time convincing so much of the population that they were going to hell because they had the wrong skin tone. Seriously, God just changed His mind one day and said "I' decided to let those evil black men into Heaven after all."

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We went to vote after church on Sunday afternoon but the line was sooooo long and it was freezing so we had brunch instead. I kind of wish we had just rode it out because once you're already awake, it's so much easier than making yourself get up at the crack of dawn on election day. Luckily my voting spot is right across the street from Mickey D's and Starbucks so I look forward to my Egg McMuffin, hash browns, and Pumpkin Spice latte as I eagerly anticipate helping my president win his second term.

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