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B&B: Week of August 04, 2008

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Ugh stories like are what's going on now are why I don't like Bridget. She's always so sad. Yes, these are sad things happening to her. But bad things happen to her SO MUCH. She has to be the unluckiest character on the show.

Also, didn't catch yesterday so I went back and watched some it. I actually kind of enjoyed the Taylor/Beth scenes.

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I agree that things don't look very good for B&B right now, but we have to remember that every other show currently on the air has survived the loss of veteran actors and managed to survive. B&B's problem that the characters haven't grown up.

Ridge, Thorne and Felicia are treated by the show as children and they are not. With more than twenty years of stories they should have been able to be something more than Eric and Stephanie's kids who want their parents back together. People in their forties and fifties cannot act like that.

Stephanie Forrester has started out as a sophisticated and aristocratic lady (DesHous's Bree reminded me of early Steph for some reason) and then she turned into a wacko who used to beat up Brooke all the time (???). After all these years Taylor should have been ready to take over the matriarch's role but they ruined the character with endless divorces, affairs, addictions etc.

With Sally gone Brooke should have taken over the role of FC's rival. Not as campy, but with an Alexis Colby-touch (the bitter ex who wants to destroy Ridge)

Which was the last successful character to join B&B? Nick who started out as a Lucas Prentiss type and ended up running a fashion house and who got involved with every Logan and Forrester woman on the canvas within five years? I am sorry to say this but Nick and Jackie have to go. Not only are they a reminder of the short-lived "The Marrones are the new Forresters" era, but TPTB have ruined Nick beyond repair. He just slept with his wife's dying aunt!!!!

The problem with B&B is that every character has lost his/her credibility. They are jokes.

Eric was involved with Beth Logan and married two of her three daughters.

Stephanie has acted like a savage for more than a decade.

Ridge has been married so many times to the same two women it's insane.

Taylor would never get involved with Ridge's brothers and father and she would not get involved with three generations of Logan men.

Felicia and Katie act like teenagers.

Bridget is beyond stupid.

Eric and Stephanie should remarry and leave together.

Ridge and Taylor should remarry and have all their children living with them (similar to the Forresters ca. 1987)

Brooke as the new FC rival, with Donna, Hope and little R.J. as her family.

Just some ideas...

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What on earth is going on NOW?

Did you see Ridge's facial contortions? He turned off Eric's ventilator after hearing from Eric's spirit?

Is this Passions? Has Brad found Jesus or something? I'm just so confused about what this show is now.

Each episode features only a single story...so if you don't like that day's stories you are SOL.

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You're not the only one. Elsa (I think it was) outlined every way in which the show refuses to evolve.

Seriously, this week I scraped the bottom of the barrel. I only watched to get a glimpse of some deVry and Beemer candy. Hanging on by a thread here.

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B&B has become a different show with the addition of Kay Alden. Gone is the camp that made B&B a gulity pleasure; in are the tears and melodrama that Kay loves to write. This is another instance of a writer not "getting" the show she's been hired to write. B&B isn't Y&R. It never has been. It's about over-the-top, bigger than life, fun, comedic stories and characters. The story of Katie and Eric's coma are practically unwatchable. Who wants to tune into a show day after day and see nothing but tears and angst?? The show is too dark and depressing. The characters are so flawed that they have no rooting value. Who could possible root for Katie and Nick?? Nick is one of the most damaged characters on the show now. Seems like Brad's turned the reins of this show over to Alden. Bad move. When his father did the same with Y&R, she started the downward ratings decline. She's doing the same for B&B.

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Add my vote to yours, Toups. B&B these days is a depressing mess. ENOUGH WITH THE TEARS, Brad and Kay! Are you purposely trying to drive your audience into depression?? Lighten it up. Get some fun back. Quit boring us with endless medical details about comas and heart transplants (could someone tell Janice Ferri Esser to lighten up with all the medical info? Her scripts sound like a medical textbook.) Remember the roots of this show, and write the show Bill Bell created.

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The show's a joke now. There's no thought to how the stories play out or their repercussions. I have to say that the show with Storm luring Katie into the waters of the Pacific was one of the worst episodes of B&B I've watched in a very long time. It was beyond melodramatic. The dialogue was arch and unrealistic.

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The truth is that Taylor is such a damaged character that it's hard to believe her as a credible shrink anymore. Hunter continues to overact, even in these office scenes. Her hands constantly move. She doesn't come off as cerebral or professional. I'm not warming to Beth, either. The actress is okay, but the story streteches credibility. Come to thin of it, is there anything working on this show these days?? Maybe Eric and Donna??

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The stories are lurid and lugubrious, but even when they were not, Patrick just seemed like someone who didn't take B&B seriously, who didn't love it. It was just as if he were on autoplay.

I understand that many would say not every writer must know how to write every show, but I disagree. As a good writer it is your job to find a way to do it.

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