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B&B: Week of August 04, 2008

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:o Good LORD. Did they have to make him look so... waterlogged and frowning?

I guess I had this image of a smiling Storm seductively coaxing Katie to the water's edge. :lol: Wishful thinking.

Don't get me started on this whole Invisaboink mess. I could have bought Katie and Nick doing the deed on Prom Night (please tell me I don't have to elaborate), but not in Catalina when Katie was on suicide watch!

It also screams "icky" because Katie is seemingly so sexually innocent and modest. She and the Cryptkeeper got jiggy when she was in the depths of despair. It wasn't even about horniness or feelings of sexual attraction. It was a "you're gonna die and you're probably still a virgin" pity f*ck. Ugh.

Only pay-off possible for me: Bridget goes nuts, attacks Katie/Nick/Brooke with sharp kitchen utensil. Deacon returns to help her back on the road to healing.

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I guess I'm in the minority when I say I loved today's show with Katie and Storm. This was a show about god and faith something that is very hard to do on daytime without making people upset. Katie is a tragic and sad person who betrayed her biggest supporter and she can not escape that. But I believe that today's show focused more on faith in god or in something to make someone like Katie wake up to the fact that life is a gift because you never know what tomorrow will bring.

My favorite part was when Storm underwater with Katie turned around and had what looked like the Joker face paint on his face. That symbol really got me.

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Okay, let me say in principle I agree with pinkflamingo. This was supposed to be a representation of Katie "battling her demons" (her brother died for her, she doesn't really value her life, now she betrayed Bridget and got pregnant by Nick). And, not surprisingly, she ended up "fighting for her life" (swimming through weedy, dark water...fighting off the demon's grasp) and "rising to the surface".

Then, in PATENTED Patrick Mulcahy dialogue (yes, I thought it was overwrought...purple prose, to be frank), she said to Nick "For as long as I have breath in my body, I will love this life." Or something like that. As soon as I heard that phrasing, I knew who wrote it.

For Cat, here are the images. they are lightened up...it was nighttime, in the dark water, with fog. The final shot is the demon.


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Any chance that Katie's convenient soap god can give me that 30 minutes of my life back. What rubbish. Psss, the Joker wants his make up back. Amazing how Katie wasn't thinking of God when she was dying. She was too busy shagging her niece's boyfriend. Katie and her constant crying is dragging this show down.

Also, you know the worse part. Katie's fake spiritual experience was a major cop out of what she should have been talking to Nick and her doctor about which is having an abortion. With her recent heart transplant, the chances of her carrying this baby to term much less surviving this pregnancy aren't good. B&B just sucks since it has become the Katie show. Screw this. I can find something better to do with that 30 minutes until things will turn around.

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Thanks Mark, I didn't like Katie saying that last line either but you put it nicely about the demons so thank you for that.

Ann- I have to disagree with you. Her spiritual experience is something that isn't done often in soaps and when it does happen its written or directed poorly or plainly. This adds depth to the story. And I doubt that if death was knocking anyone would be thinking about sleeping with a family member's boyfriend. All anyone would want is too feel love or what they believe is love before they die. I personally think Katie sleeping with Nick while dieing is stupid and I can't stand the idea of them having sex during that time but its a soap and this adds more drama. Plus Katie crys all the time because thats what this storyline is about, its not a happy subject. I like Katie mostly because she is so tragic, sad and average. And I really thought it was distasteful to call her spiritual experience fake while at the same time saying she needed to be talking to her doctor about getting an abortion.

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Oh, boy. I think I need to watch the show in question before I comment, but... looks like somebody went to see The Dark Knight. Thanks for the caps, MarkH!

Judging by the comments on this thread, the show is obviously trying to deal with the issue of an unwanted, possibly traumatic pregnancy by not really dealing with it. The thing is, the issue of abortion is SO polarizing in the US that it is practically a metaphor for the divided country we live in. And there is no possible compromise in a debate such as this. B&B went a strangely spiritual route (I say "strange" not in reference to the spiritual but in reference to DemonStorm) and probably ended up pleasing few people. Especially if it was all written with a heavy hand.

ETA: I'm surprised Patrick Mulcahey might have botched the spiritual aspect -- I remember reading something by him that he wrote when he gave a sermon in his church and it was effective in its simplicity and sense of humor.

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