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The Doctors

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It looks like Karen is trying to get her hooks into Matt, and Althea's pregnancy may be in trouble- a very restless night. I was shocked at how the shrink read his wife the riot act over her seeing Althea. I think they'll wind up adopting Danny instead of an infant. The Liz/Carolee dynamic is excellent- we can see that slowly and surely Carolee is becoming more and more important on the show.

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YES, that Karen is a real piece of work! I wonder if, prior to where we joined the story, they ever explored the possibility that she might be extremely lonely in America. That would be an interesting angle to work.

Can't wait to watch today's episodes! Never in a million years would I have guessed that I'd be regularly watching daily episodes of any soap from over 40 years ago besides Dark Shadows on DVD!

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AllMyShadows, actually all of Days of our Lives as well as Y&R are preserved on tape since those shows are partly owned by Columbia/Sony. Ryan's Hope is owned by ABC and is complete. Like DS and TDRS, these are the ONLY daytime soaps which were regularly archived prior to 1978.

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I did read that Karen does sink her claws into another doctor later on. For a doctor, Matt sure doesn't seem too bright when it comes to Karen's wiles, does he?

It does look like Althea is dangerously close to losing the baby - and I wonder if we will get to see Nick's softer side soon because of it. Also, Maggie can't come home soon enough!!

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Oh, I know! I just meant that I never thought I'd actually be able to watch anything from that era, episode-by-episode. I feel that we'll never get any official access to early Y&R or DAYS until they're canceled.

GH has an archive of all of its 60s episodes, I believe. UCLA is holding the first seven years' worth, but I'm not sure of the quality of those eps.

Edited by All My Shadows
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I still hold out hope that some of the shorter-lived 60s/70s soaps that were produced by non-P&G or the networks might survive out there somewhere (like Return to Peyton Place, which was a 20th Century Fox production, I think) in a warehouse waiting to be discovered. In my wildest dreams, Where the Heart Is is out there because I've always wanted to see it, but there is virtually NOTHING available and nothing readily accessible online. I want to see Rue McClanahan's character run down her brother because he wouldn't be in love with her.

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One can only hope that what was started with SEARCH FOR TOMORROW, ANOTHER WORLD and now THE DOCTORS will be ultimately continued in a more prominent fashion. I guess we can hope!

Do I remember correctly that retrotv has six years worth of episodes (i.e. 3 years in the current, two episodes a day, format)? Or did I dream this? I know they mentioned the amount of episodes/years they licensed.

Edited by YRBB
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The show remains top notch. I hope its doing well for RTV. Its nice to "step back in time" and I'm enjoying this so much I could care less to watch the present shows, save B&B.

Its quite an adjustment to see all the smoking, particularly with the women. That would be so cliche and forced on a soap now

And I was really shocked at Carolee's line about slitting her wrist over the holiday cheeriness. People say that all the time today but I rarely hear it on TV or soaps I should say.

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