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The Doctors

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Episode 1 today marks Round 2 between Dr. Sour Kraut and Dr. Horndog. Steve knows EXACTLY what Karen's up to. I cracked up when she yelled at him to "JUST SHUT UP!!!"

But she is not stupid, not by a long shot. Maggie finally gets her rival to move out, but Karen then enlists Matt to help her apartment hunt, hopefully to a place near him - or rather, the hospital. (Uh-huh.) And once again, the good chief of staff falls for it all hook, line and sinker. Matt, when will you wake up?

Also, Dr. Matt, when are you going to take Dr. Aldrich to task for his, ahem, mixing business with pleasure? He apparently didn't learn from the last lecture. With Karen and several other staff members (extras) noticing he and Liz running around, it shouldn't be too long before Matt hears about Dr. Horndog's latest escapades. Of course, my money is on the Sour Kraut. LOL

We get a reference to Bill, Ruth and Danny - apparently the new family is getting along just fine and everybody is happy. How nice to hear.

Also, we get a reference per Steve of this being a "national election year", as indeed 1968 was - ushering in the soap opera that would be known as the Nixon administration.

Episode 2 - Althea and Nick band together as dedicated doctors to help a certain patient in need. I melted toward the end of the episode when Nick called Althea "Tiger". I hope tomorrow's first episode picks right up from where they left off, with Carolee's urgent phone call to Althea in the clinic and Althea rushing out to catch the elevator to the third floor. Maybe we'll finally get the confrontation between two certain very stubborn men that I've been waiting for!!

Great, great show. I love it - it's like comfort food.

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Matt's blind spot regarding Karen drives me crazy but I guess it makes him human. Otherwise he would be too perfect to be true. He also seems overly accommodating to Ed Stark so far.

Nick and Althea are just beautiful together no matter what they're doing. I'm looking forward to everyone's reaction when they learn why the Andersons are against medical treatment.

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Mr. Anderson, anyway. I get the feeling Mrs. Anderson doesn't fully believe everything that her husband does. They're probably Jehovah's Witnesses, though of course they'd never mention the religion on TV. Or is it the Christian Scientists who are fully against medical treatment? I know Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in blood transfusions, but about other medical care, I have no idea.

As for Ed Stark, Matt is probably giving him chance after chance as a favor to Ed's father and hospital board member, Paul. That's my theory on that issue, anyway.

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Both episodes today feature the "core" - Matt, Althea and Nick - with Carolee in the first episode and Maggie in the second. Ed Stark is in both.

One thing that really surprised me (well, another thing surprised me - but that's what Nick DIDN'T do, LOL) - was Nick's take on faith. I was totally expecting him to mock faith, prayer, religion, etc. but he shocked me by saying that faith is "fine", as long as people take advantage of the medical treatment available to them.

I wonder how Matt and the hospital board are going to handle the issue - especially if Mr. Anderson gets his lawyers involved.

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Today the Anderson saga continued to dominate both episodes, but at least we had some levity in the form of a phone call from Carolee's mother (episode 1) and the meeting of Ed Stark and Martha Allen (episode 2). Also, we got an explanation of how Ed came by his accent (by living in London for a time).

Of course, Dr. Sour Kraut just can't resist needling the good Dr. Mrs. Powers, can she? Seriously, who else is rooting for Maggie to literally scratch Karen's eyes out? I have a feeling that the majority of the staff wouldn't be on Karen's side. LOL I wonder if the Maggie/Karen feud will continue after Bethel leaves and Lydia Bruce takes over.

Lawyer Frank Burns has much more sense than his client Ralph Anderson does, doesn't he? Larry Linville had another soap connection - his second wife was Vana Tribbey, one of the many Alices on Another World.

I still want Nick to literally knock sense into Ralph Anderson. I also have a feeling that whatever happens to Lila, it will be the catalyst of drawing Nick and Althea even closer together.

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