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Neighbours: Discussion Thread


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Tragic, touching, and triggering at the same time. Just brought up all the emotions I had when AW, ATWT, and GL were all axed. All that rich history being washed down the drain because these networks would prefer to allocate funds toward something that won't even have the same impact as a soap does. Yet another institution being tossed away. 


The most important thing to take away from this is how this show employed a lot of people and now that is going to be somewhat gone. I really hope all these actors and production members are able to bounce back and find work elsewhere.


Thank you for sharing this @DRW50

Edited by NothinButAttitude
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Without spoiling anything for those that haven’t seen it, that finale was beautiful. My words can’t do it justice. It was everything it should’ve been and more.

While i’m sad the show has ended, I finished watching with a huge smile on my face and a head full of great memories. I can’t say any more, it was just beautifully done.

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@NothinButAttitude I already said this in the ATWT thread but these last weeks have been putting that show's end to shame. As someone who grew up watching  ATWT, it hurts my heart to be reminded of just how little Chris Goutman cared. Jason Herbison and the others at Neighbours have managed with these last weeks to simultaneously pay respect to the past while still giving respect to the current slate of characters. And the throwbacks to the past haven't just  felt like forced nostalgia trips,  because they are clearly from a place  of love - from past cast, current writers and producers, and the fans, old and new, who never truly let go.

I hope Neighbours can still come back in some form, but at least the show is ending at peace. And that's rare for a soap.

I'm so glad to hear that @tiofmso

Edited by DRW50
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That was a lovely article @Vee

Something else I appreciate about these last episodes is that even with the returns, there has been no choking to death on nostalgia, which is what you get nonstop with EE now. There's been a lovely message that life goes on, that characters can and should  move on with their lives and try a fresh start if they want to. It's very inspiring to me. 

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As a lifelong fan, I completely agree. I'm still formulating my thoughts on how I feel in more detail but I had exactly the same reaction.

I know that the last few weeks, including the finale, are getting the usual mix of reactions - it's impossible to service every single thing that all fans would want to see. But it was a warm, beautiful, heartfelt send off. Guy Pearce was incredibly natural and his scenes with Annie Jones were just stunning as Mike slowly made Jane realise that she could have happiness in her future. And Jackie Woodburne broke my heart but left me smiling all at the same time.

So many shows have gone out with barely a shred of pride left but this was the most dignified soap ending I think I've ever seen.

Edited by JamesF
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I haven't watched everything but overall I thought they did a good job of balancing out current cast and vets, especially since, frankly, a lot of the newer cast weren't really that interesting. 

More than anything I was impressed with how much time Guy Pearce was willing to take to be a part of the final episodes. 

The ending is a bit glossy, but also pure heart - sums up Neighbours very well, really. 

Thanks for the link @victoria foxton

And I don't think he posts here anymore but I wanted to thank @Ben for the conversations we had here about the show years ago.

And finally, of course, @Skylover I hope you enjoyed the finale.  And I hope Neighbours will love on, in many forms.

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I haven't watched it all and have only a passing familiarity with Neighbours (I'm pretty sure I used to watch it a lot during an extended trip to Australia as a child and found it baffling), but I was particularly impressed with how much they pushed Hollywood hunk Guy Pearce with his former love interest, a woman of a certain age who is still beautiful but not the starlet you would see him put with in film work (because there's always a double standard with older women vs. older men). They didn't hesitate to make those two a central storyline in the finale despite both being well over 50. That's classy. And what a great final line. Up there with Search for Tomorrow.

However hokey it is that everyone on the street suddenly decided to stay on, I think that's the ending they owed the audience - I think one of the creatives said this as well in that recent special about the show someone posted, but I've always felt that serial dramas owe it to their audience, especially younger audience members who grew up watching a soap (like so many of us did), to give them a sense of comfort that that world keeps going, that it doesn't conclude or die but that it's just out there where you can't see it, with stories still going and those characters still living their lives. They did that beautifully.

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Another life long Neighbours watcher and fan here. I've gone in and out of watching it the past ten or so years, but started catching up when I knew it was ending. I loved the final weeks. I'm glad it went out with a dignified end and in a way that I think pleased everyone pretty much. Started tearing up during the video messages to Mel and Toadie and was full on in tears by the time Susan imagined Madge, Sonya, Hendrix, and Doug at the party. Just a lovely, classy ending. Also, good on Guy Pearce for so game with his appearance. He was great.

As for stories and characters, I was a child the last time Jane and Mike were a couple but I'm thrilled they got together in the end. Even with only an hour, they really sold the love story. They were better to me than Scott and Charlene (not that I didn't like finally getting to see them back). I've always loved both Melanie and Izzy and I'm glad they both ended in a good space. Loved seeing Nina, Lance (should have brought him back in person for Amy instead of just having them hint at it), Billy, Joe, and everyone else in the messages. I know both of them have some troubling views now IRL, but I always loved Flick and Steph too so I'm glad differences could be set aside to get them both there as well. Beth's shoutout to Ned was lovely.

A little surprised they couldn't get Jane Hall (Rebecca) and the woman who played Ruth back, especially since Phil was there and I assume he's still married to Ruth. I would have liked to have seen both of them one last time. But other than that, I think it was a terrific and heartfelt finale.


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