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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I should really avoid this thread ... Just found out about three people leaving that I didn't want to find out about! I was going to post here to say I liked the story with Bianca's dilemma about what to do with Liam having gotten involved with a gang. Also Ian and Denise seem like an interesting idea, as well as poor Dot not knowing how to deal with the council perhaps repossessing her home. I am unable to watch the show but the online synposes are gripping. Seems like good stories with a connection to real problems that people face!

Great news about Michael French. Yes, they need to bring back David Wicks!

Edited by jfung79
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I think Michael is one of the few complex characters on the show, so it's a shame he's leaving. There are so many avenues they could have explored with him, but have failed to do since Janine left. He really brightens any scene that he appears in with his hilarious reactions to whatever's going down. May be he's too much of a psychological character for EE?

jfung, can't you watch it on YT?

I don't watch every episode these days, and I don't feel I miss much. When I do tune it, I feel the tone of the show is completely off. It's misery with double helpings of grey. There's no positive, bright spark at all - actually, Jay & Abi and Fatboy & Poppy are the only positive elements of the show, and they're like 5% of the whole show!

There's a lot of random couples, like Denise & Ian, who just don't go together. I think it's realistic that they would bond on an emotional level, but as lovers?! They don't have that kind of chemistry, and they look odd. However, outside of Ian, there isn't anyone else who could be a possible love interest, which is a crime in itself. Then you have P&T hooking up, and that's just plain wrong. They broke up Kim & Ray for nothing; Shirley has been MIA for months, and no longer has a place in the show; Kat/Alfie/Roxy have been badly executed, to the point where neither couple has any rooting value. And, Carol & Mas have now been unnecessarily complicated by the introduction of a random third party, when they had all the conflict they needed with Tamwar's dislike for Bianca, and Carol's tragic past with David Wicks that they could've mined instead of including a dull character that no-one cares about.

Oh, and this is without mentioning the boringness of Tanya/Max/Kirsty, and the badly written trash of Jack/Sharon/Phil. In fact, Sharon has been written quite badly during this triangle recently, especially with her thoughtless and insensitive treatment of Jack.

And finally, Bianca's trouble with Liam isn't bad, but I'm so over Bianca being poor. There are so many reasons why kids join gangs, and Liam has plenty of reasons without the family needing to be perpetually poor all of the time. At least give Bianca a stable job where she can at least afford to feed her kids and pay the bills. I'm also tired of Bianca hogging all the big social issues - last year it was Whitney's decent into sexual exploitation, and now Liam has joined a gang - spread out the love. Bianca isn't a good mother, and having good intentions is not the same. She has constantly set bad examples, and I hope this story allows for some character development for her, as she really needs to move forward. I also hope at some point they have a few Liam/Jay scenes, as Jay was once in a gang, who robbed Dot, and got stabbed, and has since developed into a good person, so it would be nice to see Jay part what he has learned on to Liam.

The only story that I've liked and seen possibility with was Alice and Michael. Never really liked Alice, but as soon as she started wearing Janine's clothes and taking on her personality (sort of), she became so much more fun.

ETA: I should mention the horrible way they've treated Lucy's cancer scare. It's been a plot device for Ian & Denise; all of the development has happened off screen. I quite liked the Lucy/Tam scenes, but nothing has come of that, which is a shame. They are too complete opposites that may just work if written in the right way.

Edited by Ben
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Yeah, EastEnders is on YouTube. I believe a couple different users upload episodes and they're up fairly quickly. Yet I still fall behind LOL. My computer is just starting to show it's age so videos don't always play so well anymore. IDK why I don't use the YouTube app on DirecTV. I never remember it.

I'm still liking EE but it's just ... IDK. I feel like SOMETHING is missing for me and I can't quite peg it.

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Near the beginning of this year, I cut out watching all the soaps except for Shorty and HO and I'm pretty happy with that decision. Not one of EE's plots at the moment have me intrigued enough catch glimpses of online and the Sharon story is just upsetting and annoying to read. Newman has been around for a while now and still hasn't begun a water cooler SL this show needs. And they seriously need to realize that Kat and Alfie's return has been absolutely wretched from beginning to end. The biggest problem being that Kat isn't fun anymore. She's supposed to be witty and sarcastically bitchy, but all she ever does is look like she's about to slit her wrists. That is not Kat. I hope this new family comes in to own the Vic. That place desperately needs new blood.

As for Shirley, hanging on to her after the Heather story wrapped was always going to be a mistake. The character has reached her limit. The powers that be need to create a new era for this show now as everything and everyone just seem tired. Ava and Dexter are good starts to this.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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I might watch on YouTube, thanks! I think from the synposes the show still intersperses moments of humor and lightness. For example, the most recent episode had only Jean wanting to do karaoke, and I imagine that was a bit of a light thing as Alife tried to get the karaoke started. Maybe it is more how the stories are being translated to screen - the scripts and the shooting of them - and not necessarily what is supposed to happen in an episode that is creating this impression of constant misery. It's been a criticism of EastEnders as far back as I can remember that the characters are too miserable on it though.

Great points in your post. It helps me gain a fuller picture of what is happening with the show. I didn't realize Bianca was getting all the social issue storylines. I especially love your idea of Jay talking to Liam.

Edited by jfung79
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Hmm. Man. This show IS so depressing now. I skipped Jan and February (I was that behind! lol) and started watching March episodes. I'll catch up someway with the other ones.

Dot's hiding letters (losing her house?) and Poppy and Fatboy (love them) think she might be losing it because of her strange behavior and items going missing. Dot is after Cora for the missing ham. LMAO. I love Dot. The first depressing story.

Phil is disgusting me. I'm not surprised. The actress playing Lola has been doing very good lately, IMO. But you have ugly nasty Phil keeping Lola from her daughter for purely selfish guilt filled reasons. Another depressing story.

Sharon slapping Jack and having sex with him afterwards. I think after growing up as Den and Angie's daughter, seeing their combative behavior, she clearly thrives off of it LOL. I like them and am now kinda sad we are losing Jack. I also adore his Phil hatred. I can see why many probably don't like this storyline, whatever it is (again, I was a little behind and skipped a bit).

I like the idea of Ian and Denise. So glad to see Ian happy and just being given something to do! But the other depressing story is Patrick confined in a wheelchair being taken care of. I'm glad that quickly ended and turned a little bit happier. I quite enjoy Patrick, Kim, Denise and Ian on a regular basis.

What's up with Alice now channeling Janine and wearing her clothes and Michael practically lusting after her. I think the actress playing Alice though is quite good. When is Janine back?

I can't believe how much I've grown to like Tanya and Max. I don't know if I like them together actually but I like them both on their own, though Max is ALWAYS so dour and kind of boring. The actor's great though.

So yeah, kinda blah and depressing but it's not bad, it's just ... kind of there and depressing, though still pretty good IMHO.

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