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Coronation Street: Discussion Thread


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The article certainly alludes to the fact that both Grimshaw brothers will play a big part in her return. Unfortunately, I don't like reading that she's going to be causing trouble for Gail. I never saw any of her original stint, but it sounded like it could be out of character, from the bits I've read about her.

As for Todd's current story,

I think it happens next week.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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  • 4 weeks later...
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Michael Rodwell has to be one of the most boring characters I've ever seen. Gail is drowning with him faster than one of her ex-husbands. I really hope this heart condition of his isn't just the writers dangling a carrot in front of me and he actually dies, sooner rather than later. Still, Oliver Farnworth has been very easy on the eyes in the meantime and I just hope that after tonight's twist he'll still be able to be a long term character.

I've really enjoyed the Dev triangle with Mary and Julie as well. The first I can ever say I cared about Dev in any capacity. I wonder how boring they'll become again now that Julie and Dev admitted their feelings for each other. At the same time, I wish they would dig into Mary's past already. She always has all these stories and anecdotes, but she's been on the show 6 years and nothing. What I also liked about the triangle is that it meant Mary actually had scenes with characters her own age and wasn't stuck with the Rita/Norris/Emily. I don't know why she only has friendships with the olds. It cuts her story potential down significantly.

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Did anyone else watch the Rita and Me special? It was very good. We got a lot of classic clips and her reunion with Thelma Barlow was the best part. I was surprised to learn her 1964 stint was only for one episode and that came in a friend of Dennis Tanner's. I cynically thought their close relationship was just something the producers made up because they were on the show together at one point.

I know it's probably and overplayed part of her history, but I always get excited and enveloped seeing that tram hit Alan Bradley. What a great soap moment. If anyone wants to see it, PM for a link.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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A link would be great. I know it's very cool to hate Rita, but I can't imagine Corrie without her. She was a major part of redefining and salvaging the show in the 70s and 80s and Barbara always knew how to play the heartbreak and the rough lines without ever going too far.

The part with Thelma sounds great. If only we could see Mavis one last time.

Edited by DRW50
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It's nice to James Redmond again. I've never seen his run on Hollyoaks, but I instantly fell in love with him on the last Later special.

Sally not getting invited to Beth's hen do. laugh.png

I am really excited for this wedding. Friday should be great.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Jesus Christ, Winnie the Pooh is the absolute worst thing to have to endure. Why are they ruining Gail so hard by chaining her to this boring schmuck? She used to be one of my favourites, but now I can't stand to watch her burn my eyes out with that stupid dollop of a man. She better not end up marrying him because Gail Rodwell is not something I would ever be able to stomach. This heart condition stuff better be for real, because his death would taste so, so good.

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How odd. ITV are investigating why the woman cast to play Bethany Platt seems to be 6 years older than they said she was. This is such common practice but there's been a bizarre backlash over it.


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Apparently she's been fired and they're recasting (she hadn't filmed anything yet). This is one of the craziest behind the scenes soap things I can remember, especially for UK soaps. Wow.


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BIB: A bizarre backlash by armchair detectives who know nothing about the industry. Thanks to them (and Corrie/ITV's overreaction) they have gotten her fired for something of nothing. Actors have a playing age range, and hers was 16-20, so playing 14 wasn't that much of a stretch considering they actually hired her. Actors fudge their age all the time; it's no big deal to anyone. Now the poor girl's first experience is a negative one.

Corrie/ITV did this to seem kosher and not dodgy. But, all they've done is give credence to behaviour that should never have been taken seriously to begin with.

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