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Big Brother: Discussion Thread (No Spoilers)

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I dunno Kenny. I can't wait to see what happens, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Eric go home. He needs four votes. He definitely has three (Jameka, Dustin, and Amber) but Jessica is now starting to distrust him and God only knows about Zach. If Eric goes home, Jameka has no chance. She really screwed herself over.

I also loved the Jameka praying/Jen in the bunny suit sequence. lol Jen is so shallow. I guess I love the way that even though she's a complete moron they can't seem to get her out of the house, but she's so damn stupid. Did anyone catch it when she asked, "We wouldn't have to pay you anything would we?"

Kenny why do you say Dustin's ego is bigger than his cock? I don't think his ego's bad, but how do you know about the latter? And lol can I find that on the internet? Is there one for Nick too? :-D

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I pretty much agree with everything you said here Kenny.

Jameka was stupid for continuing in the game...and the praying afterwards was absolutely ridiculous.

Go Jessica! That girl has changed 100% since Carol left, and that's the smartest thing she could have done for herself. She'll go far...

Zach still creeps me out - why is he still there?

It sucks that Eric or Kail will be evicted this week - I like Eric and I feel so bad for Kail bc of the situation she's always put in. She doesn't deserve it IMO.

Why isn't Jameka wearing the bunny suit like every else? Btw, Jen looks beautiful in that bunny suit...she may seem dumb, but you can't deny that beauty.

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You need to look around juppiter. :lol:;) I've seen Dustin. drools...............I haven seen any of Nick out there. But there are other houseguests who I have seen. :D And I dont think Dustin has a big ego.

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Yay!! Jen surived another week but I really hope she's not teaming up with Dick. Jen needs to take him out for dumping the ice tea on her and for verbally abusing her.

Eric gained a few points when he told Dick to shut the frack up and how he wouldn't back down from Dick. Go Eric!!

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Eric really went up in my book too when he did that. Dick is so fun to watch but if I were in that house, I wouldn't be afraid to tell him how I feel, I don't understand why so many people are! I'm worried about Eric's position because the threat is always the one who's voted out. I hope that everyone sees that Dick and Danielle are running things, not Eric/America.

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