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AMC: Friday

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Funeral. Michael E. Knight was kick a**, made me wish there was an episode deciated to Dixie's funeral. The speech at the funeral, great. I also loved his scenes with JR. I have a lot of Dixie/Tad/JR family-unit love from my younger days.

Kelli Giddish was good as well, but half the time Di strikes me as supicious (and no it's not only because she's one of the only ones really mourning Dixie) - today at Wildwind, but not at the funeral.

Bobbie Eakes is doing great work, but Krystal, ugh. She's acting like Babe particuarly in her scenes "daring" JR to tell. He's forsaking his mother and his step-father to honor you and Babe (like so many did for them during the Miranda, Little Adam stuff) so shut the hell up and stop acting like he's the only wrong-doer here. * Vent over* Krystal did show honest recognition of her bad deeds (facially) in her scenes with Adam though, so that was a small plus.

The funeral was more balanced then they sounded in the recaps.

Even if I hadn't known Babe was alive, the ending wouldn't have done much for me...now if that was Dixie opening her eyes I wouldn't have done a disappointed sigh, lol! But like amcfan said, AMC is doing their cliffhangers well from a neutral perspective: Dixie passing out from the pancakes (sigh), the hand reaching out to Kendall on the terrace, the syringe plunged into Babe's neck, Babe awokended...

Man, Erica/Kendall/Bianca today. Nastiness. I shuddered at Erica's last words to Kendall, it almost felt like a curse, lol. Erica sleeping with Jeff, ugh - just nasty. I so think they did that 50% because of their Babe propping issues (since Babe cheated and all). Bianca being so judgmental of Erica, fine if she would treat Babe the same way to her face for cheating and she wouldn't do anything close...until recently (to Josh) so we could "buy" that she hasn't forgiven Babe yet, puhleeze.

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I just don't agree. Dixie got equal oppurtunity as Babe did. The focus some times was more on Dixie then Babe. The wildwind scenes with Di, Aiden and Del the focus was majory on Dixie. When there were scenes with JR and Krystal obviously the focus was on Babe. As was the Adam/Colby scenes. But again when we had Tad and JR together the focus was on Babe/Dixie.

Janet and Amanda the focus was on Dixie/Babe. The focus IMO was much more equal then anything else Even during the testimonies Dixie got more attention and got speeches from Adam, Di and Tad. While Babe only got Adam and Bianca. I think for the most part the funeral was very fair to both Dixie and Babe. They could have easily made it worse and made it centerfold with Babe. But we got equal share of Babe and Dixie during their funerals.

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Um, Babe is my favorite character, well, next to Biana. Also, I LOVE seeing HUGE reveals like this one. Missing this HUGE reveal is like missing Marlena's entrance to New Salem on "Days." Learning a character who was dead is not "dead dead" is an event NO soap fan should feel good about himself for missing. I FAILED Babe!

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Mulder, if it is not Mary in the roll, I'd rather not see Ruth. I think Lee Meriweather represented the first slap in the face to all AMC viewers. How can you recast an original cast member, especially a character as integral and noticeable as Ruth Brent Martin, without a second thought? She is a recurring image of the downfall of the show as from 1996-present, it has never achieved the glory of its past.

ITA though that Brooke should have been here. Also, this should have been more about Dixie. Not Babe... this was such a bad memorial for Dixie who has been with us for so long.

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So am I the only one that thought Dixie's funeral was fine as it was? It didnt need any Ruth, Brooke or anyone else from Dixie's past to show up. Her return has been horrible and her death has been so uneventful. They mvoed on as if nothing happened and didnt do much grieving at all. It's only fitting that her funeral be as half-assed as everything else they've done with her. I didnt expect some big service, complete with flashbacks, guest returns, Dixie gushing and the works. To me that would seem out of place, considering how they handled everything else. Some may think it sucks, but it is what it is. Besides I dont think this death is as meaningful as the first one so it didnt bother me that they didnt try to compare to the first memorial

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Thanks pine Charles for the clip.

I'm a rare breed because I felt abosultely no emotional connection to this funeral. Only annoyed that Bianca would continue to pant after her baby's kidnapper but discard Maggie's apologies.

As for Krystal, she's right up there with PSSNS Theresa, GL's Alan and GH's Carly/Sam with characters I loathe with the hatred of a thouand burning suns. Two faced [!@#$%^&*].

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