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BTG: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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This is more how I see the Eva/Leslie relationship:

My LOL moment of today's episode:

I like today's episode by Cheryl L. Davis just as much as her episode from last week. My favorite dialogue writers so far are Davis and Jazmen Darnell Brown.

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She got big feet or something?

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Yes, that's exactly how I felt about it too. I'm fine if it was some seedy backroom or illegal underground spot, but calling it a casino does not give that impression at all. The aesthetic doesn't match...and if it was only Lindstorm's character calling it "the casino" then fine. All they really had to do was show Doug having to get approved to get into the place or have to enter on the sly and I would be like okay cool, it's not a real casino. My issue isn't even the set itself if it was present as a game room, but that it's being called a casino and looking the way it does. Especially since most of the sets so far are quite good. 

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I'm not at all clear on how much Eva knows. It seems to change from day to day. When y'all say Silk Press Sheila you mean Leslie, right?

I love the portmanteau they've got: Smittens! Is that not cute as pie?

But that kiss was just a little smack. However, they with their teens piled on each other on the sofa & rough housed & maybe there was even some tickling going on!

This was the first sign they belong on this show.

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The nickname is a combined reference:  a reference to the character "Sheila Carter" on Y&R and B&B who was notorious for these types of devious evil plots. And a reference to Leslie's silk press hairstyle.

Edited by janea4old
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I'm fully biased but this is the best looking cast on TV.

Watching Martin and Smitty parent those young adults (and Martin out acted by both of them) was painful. They are both at least a decade too young for the story they're telling here. 

I don't understand the decisions to make everyone so damn old. There's no reason Vernon and Anita should be great-grandparents. You got the luminous Daphne Duplaix playing grandma to grown ahh adults! Make it make sense!

Kat and Chelsea are adorable, Chelsea is clearly the weaker actor but they're great together and Kat is a star. Speaking of ages, Kat looks no older than 19 and Tomas is a smooth 30. Stay away from her! Get a job!

Thank you to whoever upgraded Tamara Tunie's Dumbledore wig. Now give her more to play. I want Anita to have some real bite. Maybe it's coming, idk.

I wish the stories outside of Dani/Bill/Hayley had more momentum and interesting elements. They're clearly invested in making that story shine and giving the three of them rich inner lives (especially Dani who's made about 8 speeches in 2 1/2 weeks). The second most interesting story, Dana and Eva scheming to destroy the Richardsons, is only elevated by the actors because the story itself is one we've seen play out a million times before. Honestly during their scenes I feel like I'm watching Passions or Sunset Beach with the depth of plotting and dialogue we're subjected to. I didn't even realize the realtor sleeping with her trainer was a story, I thought he was just some under-five they hired for a handful of scenes. I didn't know he was a character. The story with her husband is also weird and spotty, why should we care about this man? He might as well be on his own show with the amount of interaction he's had with the rest of the cast (none).

I so want to be fully drawn into the show but it's largely the newness and some of the actors that are keeping me invested. I simply can't overly praise a show that has had those excruciating scenes of Ashley and her boyfriend talking about nothing. In fact I don't think Ashley's had a single scene that wasn't a chore to sit through, I sit there blank-faced wondering "What is this? Why is this in the show?". If they spent her scenes having every conspicuously sip Folgers I'd think they were sponsored segments. Hell, I wish they were, at least then I could say "get money".

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Thanks for taking the trouble to explain it. I had down the Kimberlin Brown character reference, so I'd gotten at least that far ... 

S1E8 I posted it here



Vanessa, it doesn't seem to bother her. Their first time he grunted enough that she realized this was no ordinary realtor showing a property.

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I have to agree. Some of the character ages throw me off. Martin is probably one of the few that I feel should be much older, but then that would have to age Nicole significantly. I believe it was mentioned that Martin was 28, but I feel he would be better suited to be mid 30s. A still young but ambitious character vying for political office. Meanwhile, he's 28 with full grown kids. Doesn't help that he has this old man energy compounded by some stiff acting skills. I'm also not feeling this gay storyline with him wanting to have this heteronormative performative relationship with his partner. I know it's a weird political climate and there are people that are close minded, but his platform wouldn't be for those people anyway. Considering the growing diversity we have seen in Congress with more racial and queer representation, congress members that defy all our expectations of what a congressperson looks like or represents and the fact that his grandfather was a champion for civil rights, it doesn't sit right that Martin wants to play it so safe. It seems antiquated and a storyline that doesn't resonate as well in 2025 albeit still relevant. 

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You cannot be serious.


That gambling set is weak. Looks like a backroom in a rundown building.

I'm not sold on Lindstrom either. I can't see a big time player/mobster being interested in this REALLY dumb doctor.


Agreed. Sex on a stick.


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-- I see no sign of improvement yet.

-- The kids are too old, but they're decent actors, so I'll go with it. This show has a lot of age problems. Hard to understand the thinking.

-- Many have complained about Derek, but for me, Ashley is no better. Just vanilla lameness in every respect, and there's no way Andre should be interested in her boring ass.

-- Derek being delivered to the hospital by another fireman and not by EMTs was hilarious. And he gets a room right by the front desk? LOL

-- Eva is getting so attahed to Miss Nicole. Mama Silk Press is not gonna be happy.

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I suspect that Joey the casino dude has bigger plans for Doug the doctor once he gets him so far in debt, Doug will have to do anything he tells him to do...probably something medical related at the hospital if I had to guess.

This was the first episode that I started to kinda feel Martin. The little bit of physical affection between him and Smitty was long overdue. I was pleasantly surprised at how good the actors playing their kids were. It's still hard to believe they have almost GROWN children. We really need a line, at least, that says something like...Remember, when we adopted them and they were only 11 and 12? It'd still be stretch, but it would help some at least. I could see Martin wanting to adopt only to create a "family image" that he wanted.

Silk Press Sheila is sooooo good, but as others said, I hope they don't write her into a corner too fast. I love that gleam she gets in her eye! I would also like to know why NOW is the time she's plotting her revenge. Why did she wait so long?

Ashley and Derek...oh, man. The most exciting thing about Derek is he had a ceiling fall on top of him. I'm still not sure what their purpose is on the canvas besides being "token whites."  Smitty and Vanessa are connected to the core characters...and they actually have personality. So, they work in the context of the show. It's hard to know if it's really the actors, too, because in all fairness, they haven't been given that much to work with. But, every time they're on, I start to lose interest until we switch to other characters. Derek needs to turn psychotic, or we find out that Ashley is also working part-time as a hooker...something...ANYTHING.... to make them interesting!!

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I usually have almost hated them in the past on soaps, but I think a few flashbacks are needed. Doug and Vanessa need one, Andre needs better explaining, Teddy Bear and Silky Lady for sure. How, where, and when did they discover each other? Was he on some lengthy business trip and he met up with her when she was a paid escort or something? Questions Questions....


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