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GH: January 2025 Discussion Thread

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I've always believed that if a scene is well-written and well-directed, then it doesn't matter whether it runs for 10 minutes or 10 seconds, it will grab people's attention all the way.

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I've seen some clips of Chinese soaps that go online and are a minute or less. They pack in a lot of drama, almost hysterically so. A lot of drama is better than no drama, but I'm not sure if it works for me in the soap format.

I do think soaps, if they had a much smaller cast and tighter focus, could benefit from returning to a 15-minute format. Or even 10. That seems to be the attention span of many people now.

Edited by DRW50
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I see everybody has already mentioned the 20 second long scenes but gee, the ones with Brad at the gym were especially bad yesterday with how short they were.

I also had to go back and check the Drew and Jordan scenes because Brad and his friend were there at the gym at the same time as Drew and Jordan (Brad must've left to go to the hospital before Curtus turned up) but there was very little crossover so initially it looked to me like somebody had made an oopsie with editing/continuity and placed two sets of characters on the same set at the same time.

But on second look it turned out Brad and his friend were in the background of Drew and Jordan's scenes. It's just that Brad's scenes were soooo short, it looked like Drew and Jordan weren't there at all (and it wouldn't surprise me if there actors actually weren't lol and Brad's scenes were inserted later).

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The frantic editing pace is why so little of the show sticks with you when its over. Frank probably used the Mulcahey ratings bleed to ensure we never get scenes longer than 40 seconds per segment ever again. I get that making them shorter compliment the production model that keeps the show under budget but there has to be a better way to structure the episodes. How can I start vibing with Trina and Kai’s chemistry or truly feel for Brook Lynn’s angst over hiding a secret child when the scenes are chopped up and soundtracked with loud pots and pans music?

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I've said it before, but I blame the utter turmoil BTS, and clear conflict over what stories to do or which characters to cut, for the ratings bleed and general inertia that played out during a lot of that period. That and the fact that they clearly gambled (unwisely once again) that Jason and Laura's Carly would rake in the viewers and it didn't happen, which left the show rudderless.

That situation may have had many mothers or fathers, but the solution wasn't to make the show even flightier and more insubstantial. And don't get me started on the Kai/Trina saga or Private Benjamin (BLQ).

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Did they ever even try to explain why perfectly capable Kai is still in the hospital?  It seems really silly when he could be doing all this stuff from his own bed and going to some Dr.'s appointments, especially with a serial killer running around.  You think Portia and Teri would at least try to minimize non-critical patient stays during this time.

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I feel like only one or two days have gone by in reel-time, while we were stuck in two-weeks or something in real-time. I mean, the days concerning Michael were spread over [about] two-weeks, while it seemed to be the same night. 

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I personally thought it was very odd that the last time we saw him, what he was doing, was struggling to put on his shirt. Trina offered to help. He declined, saying he needed to be able to do it himself. Do they think they're writing some great story of one man's struggle contrasted with this sweet young thing who wants to help him. I confess I don't see what they seem to want me to see. And, I don't see that changing anytime soon.

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Except that is disproven when we look at the movies and television, both network and streaming.

I'm aware of all the talk about short attention spans -- I've been hearing it since MTV first aired in 1981. I realize social media has changed things with TikTok and Instagram. I just don't think the soaps need to go to 15 minutes because young people aren't watching. Face it, they're not going to watch "our soaps" at 15 minutes either.

BOLD has a smaller cast and its runtime is about 17 minutes. Just about no one would call BOLD better than the 60 minute soaps these days.


I get your point. But when we see a dozen (or more) of these very short 20-second scenes in an episode, it doesn't work. They're not doing it to grab attention, and none of it is memorable to the point of calling it well-written or well-directed.


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I agree with that. When Lulu finally came out of her coma and the writers got to the reunion scenes, while Frank style of quick cuts were still trying to cut through those important reunion scenes, I felt overall mostly the writing as well as how the actors brought their A game STILL elevated the episodes. Perhaps it was my anticipation because I wanted Laura's kids back in town this time last year and was getting my wish, but I did feel most (not all) of the episodes gave the reunion scenes time to breath IN SPITE of the quick cuts.


It's just a shame that for every week or two where we get great momentum, that someone BTS backslides the rhythm with nonsense mess...that not even the writing...and sometimes the actors...can't save. 

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I agree! They are the exact opposite.

And of course... it's one thing IF we ever have 10 minutes of fast scenes... COMPARED TO nearly 40 minutes of non-stop tik tok-fast-pacedness that makes you feel like you're spinning. At some point it becomes irritating and infantile. These people should remember that this is a soap opera and not a Darren Aronofsky movie-montage. And the background music does not help. Every time I try to watch GH, I'm disturbed by the music. Just a personal pet peeve. 

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It's funny watching this seeing what was discussed about them quick cuts. lol. This episode does not appear as extreme, but I have found Elizabeth Korte-headed episodes to be the episodes that still have some time to breathe usually. But it still had that silly humor because Tracy's harassment of Sasha makes no sense now that Sasha and Cody are related which was really why Tracy felt some type of way about Sasha Sasha/Cody relationship) if I remember correctly. Silly for silly's sake falls flat.


Definitely a good episode. I loved how Tracy and Sasha talking turned into a typical Quartermaine everyone-in free-for-all. Which I thought was hilarious, typical, and mostly organic. I was so happy to see Ned. And the only uh oh I had was when Gio was talking and the camera pannied to Lois. Watching her. Oh, lord...she already knows EXACTLY where BLQ's baby is, doesn't she? It made me think of talking to @carolineg about this. Well, at least BLQ appears oblivious to the possibility. And Sasha letting everyone know she's expecting. I had forgotten Michael told Jason. So his part of the story lives on now that he's out.


Hehe. Look at Trina trying to get Portia to let her crush down easy. 


Nice to see Portia and Isaiah loop Alexis in on their beliefs. I expect NLG is about to start cooking in her side of that story. 


I had forgotten about Emma again. Which is good if I'm going to get used to her. I didn't like her scenes with Anna this time around. How she was picking on Anna was making me see flashes to the era of Eli Love/ImmaAGranny Anna and was shivering. I know Anna has been regressing under these new/old writers, but let's not regress THAT much. 


Mmmm Brennan in a robe. UGHHHHHH at seeing Valentin. But credit where credit is due...how HELENA of him. hehe.

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Shoot to kill? Yes, I'm down for that, Beast. lol. I actually enjoyed the Brennan and Carly stuff. But perhaps I'm bias to seeing Charles Masure in a robe. 


I wished the writing was better for Gio/Emma. For every moment where it had that annoying forced couple writing, it got to a point where it felt like it was getting organic, revealing character. 


I don't feel a think about Jason/Sasha. Another thing that felt forced to me. I even rolled my eyes at her even trying to fake her way out of admitting that she slept around, and it could NNNNERVVVER be Michael's. GIRL, STOP. I did like the possibility of Cody finding out she's expecting and feeling some kinda way about it. I mean...there's no bad blood between Jason and Cody. None that I can remember. Or is he hurting that it seem Sasha got over him so easily?


I'm surprised that Anna and Portia didn't share as much notes as they did about the murders. Attempting to stall the Cyrus story. I did like the little moment that Dante and Lulu had though. DZ gave so much with what appeared to be so little. Meanwhile, AB totally picked it up and revealed a layer. Loved it. 


NO to Tracy and Martin. I mean what did the writers do? Copy and paste her scenes with Gregory with little rewrites? smh. Well, at least they are putting that salon to good use I guess. 


Awwww at BLQ. AS sold those 'need her mama' scenes. 


Yes, I swooned at the Brennan/Carly kiss. About time!!!

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