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GH: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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Ava is crushing HARD on Ric, and I’m so here for it. AND we got a LiRic scene in the same episode. So happy.  I see the writers remembered Nina was alive. What is on, once every two weeks at this point?

I had to laugh at Ric freaking out once he realized he did his job too well and got Heather out

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. He won’t be losing his town pariah status anytime soon lol. And Portia made him announce it to the whole party .

@Taoboi I’m all in on Jordan and Isaiah. You mentioned either last week or the last, he looks at her like she’s the only woman in the world like Ric does Liz.

Molly and TJ don’t even feel like a couple at times. They went through such a huge loss and they’re not being there for each other at all, Molly in particular seems like she’d rather be anywhere else with anyone else when TJ is around. I liked Stella’s advice. Them earrings on the TJ actor are doing it for me. He looks yummy especially dressed up.

I like the representation the Ashfotd family brings to an extremely white show, so none of them have bothered me since I started watching. I think there was still a place for Marshall.

The show allowing Sonny’s son to have his natural hair but forcing the show polish on Sonny is stupid. It is perfectly okay for these vets to age.

I forgot Sam and Lucas were even siblings. But they had nice scenes. Van really has had chemistry with all of his onscreen family, it’s been nice.

Enjoyed the Holly and Anna scenes. You can just feel there’s a lot of history there. Intrigued by Sonny and Holly.

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And the funny thing is I forgot, too...and Sam and Lucas had enough scenes together that I should not have forgotten that. lol.


Oooo...thank you for the tip.

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He really does. Something else to look forward to.  

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Drake still looked sexy too! I also love how Dee has more silver in her hair as she ages too.


I would imagine she asked to be allowed to keep it gray. She was tired of being required to color it before.

I really appreciate that even though they are softening Tracy tremendously in her current run, every once in awhile she has a scene where Jane plays the weight of everything Tracy has lost and it helps the version she is playing now make more sense to me. But then again, John Ingle’s Edward was never as dastardly or bitchy as David Lewis played him. So Tracy being softer does fit with the Q family as it had been more recently.

And I don’t hate the idea of her and Cody. If it works for Cher, it can work for Tracy Quartermaine.

Edited by titan1978
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Drake looked so much better with his natural hair instead of that muddy grey/black dye he was using.  I love the way Deidre wears her hair now too.  Still blonde but with silvery hints of grey.  It's very flattering.

I love, love, Jane Elliot's hair.  I aspire to have those intricate braids and beautiful silver hair when I get older.

As far as Tracy/Cody-I don't think I would hate it, but it would just have to be a silly fling.  I can't believe Tracy would truly take him seriously as a partner.

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Today was an example of when the show having such a large cast works well to me. So many various character interactions and all of em enjoyable.

Sam’s scenes with Elizabeth, Maxie and Spinelli had a layer of sadness where you could tell the cast were saying goodbye to Kelly Monaco for real. Such essential dynamics for the character so I’m glad they made sure to give us one last hoorah, I liked Felicia being her patient advocate too. For Van Hansis to never have worked with KM before, his Lucas and Sam have really good brother and sister chemistry as well. The guilt coming Lucas way if the surgery doesn’t go well…woof. 

Last scene with Sam and Dante was sweet too, the Lulu and Dante both wanting to reunite before her coma and Spixie being the only ones to know set up would be so much more interesting if we didn’t know the outcome of the story will give Lante such a clear path.

Ric and Ava are great to watch though Ava catching feelings so fast is kind of odd to me, I was glad to see Nina call her out. Part of me feels like Ric might end up tanking her case

Ric running to Liz for help revealing he got Heather the hip off was hilarious and I can’t wait for him to be read the riot act by the Ashford’s tomorrow. Not looking forward to Heather freely roaming around town, since the show has been cleaning house so well I really hope she gets carted off to be with Steven in Arizona sooner than later.

Not at all sad to see Marshall go but I’m glad they gave the actor a big send off on screen. I like how they used Stella here to observe and get Molly and Portia to open up about their personal struggles. TJ’s drinking seemed a little excessive too I wonder if they’re headed anywhere with that.

Dex trying to get Joss to talk about Sonny and Carly was funny, this guy has felt like a smart dumbass particularly since the regime change. Telling too much case info and asking the right questions but seeming super naive when it comes to getting an answer. Dewey from Scream type of vibe.

Enjoyed Jordan and Isaiah hanging out at Bobbie’s, hope we never have to see her with Stephen A ever again. Isaiah’s scenes Monday where Lucky got him to agree to do Lulu’s surgery were pretty good too.

Holly and Anna was good stuff. Anna basically telling her to get lost was harsh but I couldn’t disagree with her, the woman does nothing but bring chaos. I wonder if they’ll really let Sonny get involved with the diamond thievery and how serious a villain they’ll let Sidwell be in Port Charles.

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When I saw a clip of Tracy from about fifteen years ago, I winced at how unflattering the short, dyed cut was. I'm so glad she is able to have a more natural look now.

I think there would be so much to explore on Tracy's end with a Tracy/Cody pairing - the age difference, her likely thinking he's conning her, her fear he would leave her for a younger woman, her fear he would end up like Paul Hornsby, etc. and also exploring what type of relationship the two would even have.

I can't see the show actually doing it though - I imagine he will be back with Sasha and Tracy would just be the spoiler.

Most of what I know of Violet is commentary on here, although I have enough memory of when Frank was pushing Emma and Spencer to relate to the complaints. She's done a decent job in the dramatic clips I've watched. The goodbye with Tracy was lovely and you could definitely see how little of it was a performance. I was even able to get past my longstanding hostility to the "Monica's house/Alan gave it to her" routine. 

Tracy is often seen as the most heartless character in Port Charles, but in moments like this you see just what an easily broken heart she has.

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Anna having the high ground on Holly is very interesting when you remember how this all started. Also what exactly is the period of time they are retconning Sasha into? Was Robert believed dead before Tristan and Finola left in 1991? The flashback was way before that, from Holly’s original run. If it was when they were presumed dead after the boat explosion, he was married to Anna. So are they implying he and Holly had an affair?

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