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GH: July 2024 Discussion Thread

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Bailey only exists cause GH was trying to tie Bootleg Julilard to another beloved legacy hoping that would cement his place on canvas since the Anna part didn't work. Maxie was just the incubator GH has never really cared about her having Bailey cause soon as PLP was gone we never saw that child again till JJY/Mac came back. No one wanted Maxie to be pregnant with his spawn but GH don't listen. Should've left her with Brooklyn.

Technically James is really the only legit child she has that was created out of genuine real love & there wasn't some neferious reason why he was created other than the love his parents shared.

Georgie is a plot point baby if there ever was one. She only exists cause Ron ass was trying to push Spixie back together by using Georgie and Maxie being pregnant with her cause Spixie contrived asses couldn't get back together on their own merits. Spinsuck wasn't going to dump Ellie(who RC was going to make the bad guy)to run back to Maxie & Maxie was single after Matt went to jail who she wasn't going to dump to run back to Spin. BA left fortunately and unfortunately brought his ass back.

Georgie is a glorified extra like Jake, Bailey lives in the attic and James is just a prop for Cody. Maxie basically lives at deception and hardly has scenes with her kids. Wtf was the point

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I am so desperate to have a reason to care about Willow that I just imagined Sasha telling her she saw them, and Willow trying to explain to an increasingly angry Sasha, who is going to tell Michael. And then Willow shoves her down those infamous Q stairs. Coma or death, I’m fine with either outcome for Sasha. Coma at least promises she wakes up, can’t remember what happened, and they drag it out for longer.

Let both of Nina’s daughters be monsters.

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Jason strode into Carly's kitchen with purpose but was brought up short when he saw everyone's favorite little Narcissist. Now we will never know what Jason wanted. And, Sonny, who most recently declared them all to be TRAITORS is now looking to see if they'll be a character witness in a custody suit. If the judge really put the child's interests first, they would award sole custody of Avery to Carly & both Sonny & Ava could have supervised visitation. No one in their right mind would think Avery should be solely Sonny's concern & Ava never has & never will be a good mother, not to anyone, ever. This way, sisters, Donna & Avery, can share a bedroom & the nanny Pilar.

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Thanks!  I saw that!  If I was the fan club/live event type of person I would actually go.  I would love to see all those people.  I am sure someone will recap somewhere and unless Vanessa is announcing her comeback to the crowd I probably won't miss anything new.

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That Britt character and the Ugly Betty rip off RC shoved onto Patrick after Robin “died” helped drive me away from the show for years so I’m glad they rejected bringing her back, yuck.

The way Sonny barged into Ava’s hotel room was directed well you could feel the tension. I love that she’s got him on sugar pills now and Jagger inserting himself at the end was good. I think Ava would be his best bet for a pairing cause him and Carly will never be it.

I love Sasha being the one to catch Drew and Willow. Michael comes across like such a loser its understandable Willow wants Unc to knock her cobwebs off. Drew’s seemingly lack of guilt is hilarious as well.

Cody and Sasha still need pink slips but I’m glad we’ve finally gotten the paternity reveal. JJY did good work in those scenes

I’m team Portia when it comes to Laura and Heather and I’m glad she gave Laura that verbal dragging

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Guiding Light's Ross had some charm and a bit of underlying humor that allowed him to get away with being with a mother and a daughter at the same time. Drew has neither. Not sure the actor has the acting chops to prevent his character from seeming like a total creep and bad guy. 

Edited by Jdee43
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Holly/Blake had a more complex relationship than Nina/Willow. Ross and Holly did too, thanks to Roger always looming and Holly being neurotic. There were many angles to play. Plus Blake (the only Blake for me is Sherry) was out for blood and genuinely fell in love. For those types of stories it was a good one.

Sabrina sucked. The audience really suffered through that story and Carlos. I wasn’t watching when she got killed off, I had to take a break.

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Oh my gosh how soapy. Right after having that talk with Nina about Drew and their hookups, Sasha literally sees Willow and Drew kissing. Loved that. I’m glad the Willow/Drew/Nina story wasn’t dropped. This should hopefully be pretty good. 

Sabrina was one of the worst characters I’ve ever had to suffer through for way too long.

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@NiqueAlexis2020 Thank you for the 2017 clip. That's very touching. Good dialogue too. I'm glad any attempts to downplay their bond were short-lived. 

Thanks to you and @Vee for explaining more about Maxie's children. It seems like GH under Frank has dragged out so many stories just to drag them out or kept so many actors on just to keep them on. Yet the ratings only started to fall after the show made some tentative attempts at something different this year. I don't get it.

I remember liking Wes Ramsey on GL, even if he was a little overhyped by some fans, but everything about Peter seems terrible. And I'm sorry to learn they turned Alex Devane into a complete psycho (and I guess she could still return at any time even if she's "dead"). 

Maxie does seem a bit more vibrant lately compared to a while back. I watched some clip of her from a few years ago where she was saddled with the last failed Roger Howarth character 

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There are a number of similarities, but the biggest difference is Blake was single and Blake was the seductress. She went after Ross in ways that would shock today's more prudish audiences. Can you imagine Willow skinny dipping so that Drew could see her? 

This story won't be as good as that one was, for many reasons, but Drew is such a non-character it's not as if one has to worry about the damage done to him. And if Chad Duell is up for it there could be a lot of drama when Michael finds out the truth - he could easily spin out of control like Grandpa Alan. It wouldn't be as entertaining as that story with Alan and Monica was, but I guess at least we won't have a scene of Michael raping Willow (I hope).

Edited by DRW50
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