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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ok, I saw this and thought I would share......


It’s a whole new Emmy race! IN: Robin Strasser! OUT: Bradford Anderson!

Whoa, Nellie! Looks like we may have a different kind of Emmy Award race on our hands. Here’s what’s happening at press time in terms of pre-nomination candidates.

One Life's Robin Strasser stunned Soapgeist when she told me she’s submitting herself in the supporting race this year (she also revealed the news on her resurrected hotline; tune in – it’s another must-listen) after the new NATAS rules were explained to her! “My Emmy is an only child," she reasons to The Geist. Soapgeist fully endorses the Emmy winner’s non-egotistical move to put herself in the proper category this year. Wish more actresses followed suit. Strasser agrees, saying, “It's very healthy when individuals can make their individual choices.” Now that she's supporting, La Strasser has a decent chance especially if she submits the ugly, raw performance after Dorian learned that David once again "dumped" her at their umpteenth wedding last summer.

And is the world coming to an end? Are soap stars finally listening to me? Another Emmy winning actress emailed me to announce she, too, was considering putting herself in supporting instead of lead, but at the last minute, she seemingly changed her mind (too bad, she could have won in supporting).

So who’s confirmed on the pre, pre-nom ballot?

Over at Port Chuck, GH’s supporting actresses are collective Emmy winners Julie Marie Berman, Kimberly McCullough and Jane Elliott. That means Carolyn Hennesy, a nominee last year, and a true supporting actress, is out of the race as well.

Supporting actors are: Dominic Zamprogna, Jason Thompson and a lock for the win, three-time Emmy winner Jonathan Jackson. Unless James Franco is thrown in lead, it looks like the Oscar nominee/co-host won’t be competing for Emmy gold. It also means perennial nominee Bradford Anderson, who was thrown on the backburner this past year, isn’t competing despite his affecting performance when Spinelli grappled with hints of depression after Jason offered himself as prison bait.

As for Lead Actress, all I know is Laura Wright was chosen as one of three women to rep GH.

And before you ask: No, the Emmy pre-nom ballot hasn't gone out to the whole industry. Once again, GH is breaking the rules by bloc voting top three favourites by the show’s brass. Like last year, the entire industry is supposed to vote on a list of anyone who wants to compete with the top three pre-noms per category moving on to compete for the final round with one episode of their work as submission.

As revealed last week, Y&R’s Tracey Bregman is submitting herself in Supporting, DAYS’ Crystal Chappell in Lead, and Y&R’s Michael Muhney is throwing his name in supporting, report sources. Rumblings suggest DAYS’ Nadia Bjorlin will compete under supporting, as she did last year, and, as expected, James Scott under lead actor from a recent interview he gave me.

Two World Turns stars are surprisingly submitting themselves under Lead – and no, none of these actresses are Maura West. One is already an Emmy winner, and another is a multiple Emmy-nominated thespian.

FYI: Shows and their backstage teams do not participate in the pre-nom round and go directly to the judging reel process.

Keep tuning back into TVGuide.ca for more Emmy news, as we’ll continuously keep you updated on all the latest golden hardware dish.

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Ok YUCK to Julie Marie Berman....But kimberly mccullough and jane are VERY desrvingg! I hope both get a nom...hey its happened before...rena sofer/jackie zeman were both nominated in 1995 for supporting actress....

Hmmm I hope jason thompson gets the nom. I thought JJ's performance was overrated..

Also I hope becky herbst is in there for lead...she was a major player for the first hallf of 2010 and even if the stories were dim, she acted the hell outta the crap they gave her.

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Hey TQ

Would you upload the Tracy/brook scenes from 1/26 when you get a chance if you don't mind doing it again? Thanks. I dont' know if I forgot to download or not. If you have them handy. If not I can go back and download the episode and clip it but if you could that would be great.


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GH Recap 7/2/11


Tracy and Mac are walking into the police station. Tracy tells him that it’s ridiculous. Mac tells her he can’t do anything and to turn. Tracy says “I’m onto your little cop tricks. I know you want Luke to confess but he won’t unless there is a sword over his head. So you are going to arrest me so OWWWWW I’ll go along with it but I am not getting ink on my pretty little fingers and you look me straight in the eye and tell me that you know I’m innocent.” Mac says that he doesn’t care if she is innocent, it is not his headache and he is just enforcing the warrant for Interpol. Tracy says she didn’t steal any diamonds. Mac says she was holding onto them as he walking into the Haunted Star. Tracy says since when has holding something been a punishable offence Mac says if the something is stolen. Tracy says that she didn’t steal it. Mac asks her why she yelling at the top of her lungs their mine, their mine. Tracy says that was not the top of my lungs this is. Then she yells “I am not a criminal! I did not steal any diamonds! My husband however.” Then Maya, Luke, Brook, Ethan and Nic walk in. Maya tries to convince Mac that Tracy Quartermaine is not a diamond smuggler. Mac asks who she is again. Tracy says “my niece, my grand niece, something, I don’t know, whatever, family.” Brook interrupts and says that they can introduce later the she tells Mac to release her ‘Granny’ immediately. Tracy says “Stop calling me Granny.” Ethan says that he should take a look at the jewels just to verify their authenticity. Luke tells Tracy not to relax because he is here to get her out of it. Tracy says “Awwww thank you because you got me into it” Luke says not he didn’t. Tracy says just go and Luke says not without his wife. Tracy says “fine, settle in, we’re in for a long wait.”

Back in the police station Luke says “Okay Popsicle we can handle this little misunderstanding if we approach it like adults.” Tracy says “There is nothing to handle. You got me arrested and I hate you.” Luke gets up and Alexis walks in wearing her pyjamas, slippers and a coat. Luke says it is a very professional look. Alexis says that he dragged her out of a nice warm bed and told her that it was life for death. She than says she doesn’t see anyone dead and then spots Mac and tries to re-adjust her hair. They have a little conversation and then Alexis asks Luke why is she here. Mac tells her that Tracy has been arrested. Alexis hits Luke and says that’s it and asks what the charge is. Nic, Maya and Ethan tell her about the jewels and that Tracy was only admiring them and Mac came in and arrested her Ethan says something I think it was about a bribe. Mac says he is not going to be an accessory to a jewel heist and then tells them that Interpol did and he can release Tracy on her own recognises and that they will dish out the forms tomorrow. Luke says that Mac is the man. Tracy says that it is very considerate of him but if it’s a choice between Luke or Lock-up. I’ll take Lock-up.

Luke says “Popsicle please to even suggest jokingly that you would rather sleep in the slammer then in their bed really hurts.” Tracy says she would rather sleep in a snake pit. Luke says he can get snakes. Mac tells her to leave the premises or he will have to lock her up. Tracy asks why is it so hard to understand that Luke should be the one in lock up. Maya says “that this is so distressing. We are not even in love and our marriage seems to be in better shape then theirs.” Ethan asks who said that they weren’t in love. Brook tells Tracy that she can’t stay there all night because it is unseemly. Tracy says “Unseemly. Nice word. Did you get that form the Prince?” Mac says that they are cluttering up the squad room and tells Tracy either stay or go. Brook asks her to come to Windermere. Nic says wider-what no, no, no that won’t be necessary because there are plenty of rooms at the Quartermaine’s and he tells Tracy that she doesn’t have to sleep with him. Tracy hides her laugh. Luke asks Alexis what she thinks. She says don’t lock her up let her leave on her own recognises. Tracy asks who hired her, Luke says he did. Tracy asks if it was for her. Luke says he called her immediately. Tracy says “Excellent, Okay here’s the deal. I didn’t steal any diamonds. So since I am innocent, I am going to pay you triple your normal fee and I’ll throw in double over-time if you make the smuggling charge and the husband, go away.” Luke asks what she is saying. Tracy says she wants a divorce and to talk to her lawyer. Mac tells everyone to get out and Luke asks if she meant that, Maya says that she did mean it. Luke stands around and looks confused and asks what just happened here.


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