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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I've been meaning to respond to this. I usually enjoy Marlena's column and I have to say that I especially liked this blog post. She makes a good point and something that I've been trying to get at for a long time when she says "What made the Luke and Tracy scenes all the richer was the fact that we the audience have closely walked down 30 years worth of separate paths with these characters. And here they are sharing a love that is even sweeter since we’ve watched them as separate characters, both rogues, struggle and suffer all these years."

With most soaps the same pairings are visited over and over and over again...Bo and Hope, John and Marlena, Blair and Todd, Josh and Reva, LnL (*bsg gags slightly at taste of vomit in mouth*), Nikki and Victor etc. There is this idea of a couple who "should be together." Unfortunately writers have a hard time writing interesting married life, so the couples split up, only to reunite, only to be split up, only to reunite and on and on...basically rehashing the same story over and over again. It's an excepted soap convention and don't get me wrong...I heart John and Marlena and from my (very) short stint watching Y&R I think Nikki and Victor belong together, but with LuNacy it's so refreshing to see a pairing that's not expected and that throws the typical convention out the window in favor of something that is ultimately more compelling. Something that's new; that's different. That takes two characters who each have rich GH histories and are pillars of two established core families and brings them together in a love story that is the most realistic portrayal of married life that I've ever seen on a soap because it actually deals with all of the emotion and baggage these characters have from 30 years of past loves and losses.

I'm going to post a comment to this effect supporting LuNacy on Marlena's blog...maybe some of TPTB might be reading...

Also, the I Heart LuNacy! is still going at SOC. We're up to 6 pages! Let's keep it going. Do your part and bump the thread. :)

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Stace---here I am chiming in to say for sure put it on nice, heavier weight linen or whatever paper. Your dad is right. Worth the effort and makes you look much more professional.

So excited with the lunacy buzz in publications. Hope TIIC are paying attention.

TL/BSG...too bad I didnt' check in last night--3am--you guys had a marathon chat going on!

I have a tutor here right now for my son. OMG this is the best. Paying someone to supervise and help with homework so I don't have to get stressed out and lose my mind....priceless!!!!

The drabble thon is so much fun!

Stace--what are the b-day plans???? Hope you get some TQ for your birthday tomorrow! That would be a nice surprise!

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Wow, I am at +200 posts! Thanks Ms. Q and TL!

Glad to hear you are feeling better, Ms. Q! Sore throats are the worse. I'm just adding my 2 cents to remos, lainey, and hooked...definitely go for the nice paper...better to spend the $ on the nice paper and have it end up "on file" rather than in the circular file. :)

We missed you last night, hooked! You around for a few?

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wow, good thing you guys are all saying that about the paper. I kinda knew it but I didn't know if it really made a difference or if I just wanted it to. I have to type my resume next week and start sending it out so it's a good thing to know!!!

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Final Assessment Portfolio Thingie has been submitted!

Resume and copies (on the good paper) are in a folder!


Not much discussion at all about our girl on SoapDish this weekend. :(

I am hoping for 2 days next week (or more, of course)!

I am thinking about doing a Best of Tracy Quartermaine this year. I wanted to do something similar last year (but never went through with it). In any case, ideas could be "Best Dramatic Episode," "Best Comedic Episode," "Best Speech," "Best Hair" (I had to!!!), that sort of thing. If we needed help remembering, I could post some nominations. Or we can all post nominations. Just something to keep the thread moving along (especially if we don't get a lot of Tracy this month). Anyone up for it?

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LOL remos, I already have a ton of ideas...So, really, you guys wouldn't have to think at all. I can just post them. :)

Ok, I wish I wasn't so perfectionistic (BTW, I just found out that was a real word like 2 months ago - Haha). I feel the need to make all my drabbles 100 words?! They can go over, but yet, I'm so set on the 100 word thing. It's making me crazy!!!! LOL.

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Ms.Q, thanks! You are getting pretty close to 2k. I bet a hundred goes by like nothing for ya! lol. And I love your idea! We should definately do it. Oopsie-Daisy for best comedy, talking about Alan with Dillon for best speech, her and Monica at the funeral for best drama... this'll be fun!

So, what is this drabblethon thing? I'll have to go check it out.

Edited by Colette
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Information on the Drabble-thon: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficath...=142213#t142213

Some ideas for Best Dramatic Episode:

Sharing stories about Alan with Dillon.

Alan's memorial.

Not saying "goodbye" to Dillon.

Tracy finding out that Alan is fading.

Luke opening his heart up to Tracy.

Some ideas for Best Comedic Episode:

Tracy and Luke alter Alan's Will.

Tracy arrives at Wyndemere and takes a tumble down the stairs.

Tracy and Luke spend Thanksgiving together.

Hmm, thinking of the speech to Monica...Could we do a Best Speech category as well? :lol: I know she had some good speeches in the past couple of years...Not so sure about this one. Ooh, what about the one to Luke at MetroCourt about how Scott can use the rape against him in court? Or the one, "Your darling, your angel is gone..."

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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