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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Y'all sure get nutty over your stories.

Speaking of my stories, excluding the teen scene I enjoyed today. I could even tolerate the rooster in those scenes with Fraud Todd at the Metrocourt.

But I'm glad were are back to Robert and Anna tomorrow!

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Dear God, can we just keep this to a Tracy/Jane thread and keep the LnL talk out of here, period? She/it leave a very bad taste in my mouth. I am guilty too, but as Remos said, it just reminds me why I don't bother with places like SOC or SZ anymore. Keep garbage like the fan wars for those nut job places.

NUTS. I have to deal all day with them at my job. I REFUSE to deal with them on a voluntary basis.

This is a Tracy/Jane thread. If you've got something nice to say about either or both, post away. If you're so immature that the only reason you're posting here is to argue, GO AWAY! And if you think I won't report you to the mods....you don't know me very well.

*exits stage left*

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Totally agree let's spread the love not venom around the net

I might not be a laura fan but I have nothing against Genie the actress. I think it is very strange she hasn't taped since end of July before Fan Club Weekend. But I don't think TG has a thing to do with it. Nobody knows what is going on with her but her I'm sure. JE and TG haven't barely worked either. But they work tomorrow and have only been taping with each other. Tomorrow they appear to be back at GH.

A script anon on DD who has the taping master list and the code names for secret people taping until thanksgiving break just said Sean K is on the list but Genie is not on the master taping list at all through Thanksgiving. I think Stefan, Helena, Holly, Sean, Anna Donnelly are on it so far.

Apparently according to the mags, Tracy wrangles the cure from Jerry and she and luke take it and take off. Jerry goes back to Robin and tells her he needs more but she says she can't make more and he says she can't go home. Apparently the only way she can get the cure is to take some of the antibodies from Luke's blood. So I think that is why she goes back to Port Charles. There is also a spoiler in SOD that Tracy and Luke begin a new chapter in their lives.

I would prefer to just enjoy the vets on GH for now before it converts back to the Michael/kiki show

Edited by hookedongh
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JE really hasn't worked much lately, it's just testament to her that it SEEMS like so much more, because she's that good. smile.png

I cannot believe-or perhaps with this regime, I can-that they have Tracy and Luke in the room planning on getting the antidote-then don't show them for THREE DAYS.

It's such bad continuity/editing. Really bad, like high school AV class was better at putting together film.

*waves to funny*

halee, who's wearing the rubber mask today? Anna? Dr O? I want one of those things.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Yes hopefully everyone has watched by now, but despite being several inches taller, several pounds heavier, and having a much wider nose "Anna" pulls off her face to reveal (to a horrified Faison) she's really Dr. O.. Campy, awful writing, performed by pretty campy actors in my opinion. Not a fan. It's just SO dumb, not to mention RC just did this. WTH?

And also. who keeps a funeral recording on their laptop? Did anyone else think that that was strange? Mac had Robin's funeral on his computer? Maybe I'm just old school like that.

Looking forward to Tracy tomorrow though!

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Oh my freaking god! TG tells TV guide that Luke wants to give Tracy the ''whole enchilada." He comes out as anti LnL reunion... AND NOW SOD is saying Luke and Tracy 'begin a new chapter in their lives?!?!?' I am dying here people! Dying! Could this actually be happening?! I haven't watched in forever.. I no longer recognize all the characters... But if GH does this... I will come back. Really, I will! Come on RC go there...... Please! I dare you.

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I wouldn't if I were you Lainey. This regime does reunions like crap. They reunite both Anna and Duke /Mac and Felicia and almost everything happened offscreen. Then they are rarely seen and when they are it's cutsie crap.

Luke and Tracy have had far better material since they have broken up then they had for the last few years of their marriage.

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I knew you'd be back when the time came, Sweetie. tongue.png

What is SOD saying? I've been swamped the last few days with r/l. Sorry if this page got hijacked. It certainly wasn't my intention. I do see around the dial that LuNacy fans are ecstatic with today's show. I haven't seen it yet but I can't wait. I'm hoping we are going to get the romance we've needed - there's been enough time now that we can start another chapter.

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WOAH! I just watched the ILU on you tube, and I cried! If I get no more (and I believe I will), I will be happy! That was amazing. "... You deserve the whole meal and I'm going to give it to you, if that's what you still want." Squuuuueeeeeee! Swwwwwwooowwwn! I could not have done any better if I wrote it myself (well.. Um... That's not true. I would have had him saying, "I am your soulmate," instead of, "I think I am your soulmate." However, on a scale of 1 to 10, this was an 8.99 declaration of love. Woah!

I'm betting on a love scene for reconciliation.... Because I'm optimistic that way!!

RC, give me a lunacy love scene, and I'm back!! That's the deal.

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