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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I just saw the Luke/Anna scenes from Tuesday. Tony and FH were very good, Glad to see Anna kick Luke to the curb even if we know all roads lead back to Laura.

Looking forward to the Tacy/Laura scene I know is coming. I have no issue with GF, she belongs on GH a lot more than some others (Brit, Sabrina). I hope RC gives Jane lots of interaction with Genie.

I like them both.

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Sorry Jin, I'm completely opposed to the idea of Tracy and Laura even being in the same building let alone same scene. Laura is the Marlena of GH - eats the scenery and is overused, pushing all the actresses with REAL talent into the background, and yet people are under the assumption that the show wouldn't be good without them. In actual fact, the show is usually BETTER without them. They are emotional black hole characters and were done almost two decades ago. I really hate pandering.

It is good to see Tracy mixing it up, I just hope they do more with the character than corporate espionage. The overall character regression I'm seeing is really not pleasant to watch. Guza had his problems, but at least he was willing to push the characters into new challenges. Everything I'm seeing is c. 1992. I already watched that, and I'm not interested in watching it again. I wouldn't be surprised if the underlying cause of TG's 'less than energetic' performance with everyone aside from JE, is a combination of his health and his disgust. I remember he once said viewers would be able to tell when he was unhappy by the way he did a scene. He only seems to bring energy to the scene with JE. Perhaps the time has come for TG to go 'out in a blaze of glory'. It would certainly be a memorable thing for the 50th anniversary.

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FTLOG just keep Tracy and Laura apart. Until and unless we have a Lulu baby shower or something. Even then, please don't give them dialogue together. They have no reason to speak or interact. Period. I think the show has dropped Tracy/Lulu, but even if they haven't..no reason for Tracy and Bora to have to talk about it. I believe Laura already thanked Tracy for looking out for Lulu, back during her last stint. Leave it at that.

Ya know, I have no idea if IB and JE will have true "I ship them" chemistry, but I do believe that involving him with AJ/ELQ is a definite chem test. Didn't Duke tell AJ they needed to do "whatever necessary" to get the relish recipe? I think Duke is going to try and romance Tracy to get it. Could be interesting. Would MUCH rather have Richard Steinmetz back as a lookalike to dead Joe or somehow an alive Joe, but if IB/JE can bring the sizzle, why not?

About Connie...well, crap. If it's TRUE integration though, I would think Kate would have Connie's memories and might still interact with Tracy. I actually think Kate would make a more believable friend, but I can't see Kate being as vulnerable about it as Connie. No more fist bumping, I don't think.


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That is heartwreaking.

Tracy/Duke would be so interesting. Because let's face it, I♥him wub.png You are the second one to not like the Connie/Tracy BFF. It's fine though cuz we all have our own way of looking at thingssmile.png

And I want to inform you and Remos that unfortunetly,Laura and Tracy do have scenes. I saw it in a video that included/showed scenes. But those scenes included Duke,Anna and Luke. Duke was like throwing something at Tracy,it looked like he was angry. Other than that I'm not sure what or if they have scenes alone. Just to inform you guys.

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Oh, I know it will happen (the writers want to see the 'conflict' between the two Loves of Luke's Life blah, blah, blah..... I just don't want to witness it.

As for Duke, if he is going to romance Tracy for the corporate good, I'm going to have a fit. Except for Luke and Joe, that is ALL Tracy has even been used for.

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I never said I didn't like Connie/Tracy. Two posts ago I was talking about how adorable they are. But I do think Tracy/Kate makes more sense from a personality standpoint. Won't be the same if she's not a little "Connie", though.

I'm okay with Duke/Tracy with him having an ulterior motive, because she'll likely have one, too. As long as he has genuine feelings for her in the end, I don't care too much if he starts out using her. They had a chance with a story they could have told with the guy having no agenda with Tracy(Joe). They blew it. sad.png So I'm okay with some "I hate this woman but I have to pretend otherwise". It could be very good, and really....if he gets to know her...what man, once he gets past Tracy's crusty shells....has NOT at least liked her? She's pretty irresistable once she gets a hook in your heart. :)

Besides...if it makes Anna and Luke jealous, bonus! (though with BOra McFrump around...well....yeah, I'm pretty much of the camp that her sexless butt can have Luke).

UGH to Tracy/Laura scenes. *spits* Cause that's what I think about that hot mess.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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You know, I've been thinking about this thread and watching it sink from the top, where we used to be a constant. I realize other shows/characters get attention, but it's not lost on me that the heyday of the Lovefest was when Luke and Tracy were at their peak. That's not a coincidence.

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partyperson, sorry that it is taking me so long to upload those clips for you. I will try to get to them soon.

I don't think the lack of LuNacy is the reason that the Tracy thread falling to below number one on the list. I think it's a combination of Tracy not being on since early this week and the fact that several other love threads are being started, and they are popular. In the past, the Tracy thread was the only popular one, so it almost always stayed on top. I hope that makes sense. :)

Looking forward to Tracy's number for the Nurses' Ball.

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