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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Tracy in previews with Joe, and she's wondering why she's immuned to the virus.

Is tomorrow the only day Tracy is on this week?

Thanks hooked for the spoilers.

Also, hooked or nex - I've been uploading clips for partyperson to SendSpace but have kind of been slacking lately. Are any of you able to help and maybe start uploading any LuNacy beginning with January 2006? :)

partyperson, glad you liked the video. Watching it made me realize that I am still not over LuNacy. LuNacy = wub.png

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All right, I have watched more Tracy and Joe Jr scenes on YT. I change my mind: I like them. I mean, LIKE them. I keep seeing comments from some sources that say Joe Jr is going to be killed off, but I don't think so. I think pairing him with Tracy means the exact opposite, especially since the general consensus seems to be good.

They are HOT. Like, not quite Paul and Tracy hot, but almost. I just told Funny it really sucks that Luke and Tracy never even got those kinds of scenes, because you know people are comparing the two in their heads, saying "yeah Luke and Tracy were never that hot".

Eh well. Luke and Tracy were never written as sexual beings TOGETHER, either.

I don't know how I feel about Lacy. Right now, I'm good with a break. I actually REALLY liked the soup scene-and how easily she just offered the jet. The scene with her calling to hear his voice. It's so GROWN UP. It's so the opposite of how Tracy has behaved in the past when someone dumped her. They are at least going to remain friends, and for now, that's enough of a connection for me.

I can't help it. Joe Jr really LIKES her, and I can't just turn my nose up at that. I've waited over two decades to see her in a relationship where the man was truly attracted to her/wanted her, and didn't leave her for someone else.

I'd like to see where this might go.

I am skeeved about the whole Connie/Kate rape thing, though. For those in the know-is it for sure he did it, or is it still iffy? With Kate's DID, I want so badly to think it's all in her head or that maybe Connie consented to sex and Kate emerged while they were doing it and cried rape.

Because otherwise, it just taints the whole thing, and that truly sucks.

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I think what gist I have seen is that he probably didn't rape her because he had been having sex with connie all along and she was a tease etc...he didn't know it was kate when he pushed too far and that could make total sense with DID

Now how he killed john's stripper pole dancing sister not sure how they could change that.. but sure they could

I keep reading evrywehre that joe is going to die, but it kind of doesn't make sense that they are bothering to redeem him them by having him fall for tracy and put her first, give her the antitode etc/

why bother if he is just going to die

Ms.Q I'm pretty sure tracy is on again on TH this week and or friday

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You guys, Alexis (not sam or lulu or maxi or carly) is being taken hostage by a madman...

And Tracy (not elizabeth or sam or lulu or maxi or carly) is the only one who has been given the antidote (and is about to save the whole damn town).

This really is a quite impressive turn of events.

Alexis is the new Nora

Tracy is the new Dorian


Now all we're missing is Vicki. Tell me Anna isn't Vicki.

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😄 yeah!!!! I knew someone would come back! I am loving joe and Tracy but I will always hold out hope for Luke. Plus I still think joe can be a major player in bringing them back together so I am ok with that! We all are saying basically that joe is the guy who like Tracy for Tracy finally but he's only been around with her for a few days so while that's so it doesn't mean he'll be a good one to have around. And also we are forgetting like already?! He adored her. It started for money but he lives Tracy like crazy and he knows they are perfect together. Holding out hope-I told you

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Ok, so I don't know too much of what happened between Monica/Tracy/Edward/Emma/Patrick but just reading what eveybody is saying about John is making me tear up at my desk. I also read that one of the writers Michelle Val Jean tweeted that this will probably be John's last day as he is still sick! :(

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Just watched. I don't think these scenes were as emotional as we were led to believe. Maybe that had something to do with it, like I went in expecting something really emotional and then when it aired, I was like, "Eh." They were good scenes, for sure, but I don't think they were worthy of all the hype. Good Tracy day though. smile.png

BTW, montage at the end (of the outside scenes), but instead of music playing over it, it's a voice over, and Tracy's the voice. It's a speech she's giving to Patrick about the life Edward's lived.

JI didn't look good at all. I hope he's okay.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I'm not going to lie I cried, somebody posted on You Tube a quick 4 minute scene of Edward/Tracy/Patrick/Emma and as soon as John came on screen in the wheel chair I lost it! I didn't even have the volume up because i'm still at work, but I think just seeing JI looking so fraile almost killed me. :(

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