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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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As someone based in the U.K, it’s such a fascinating and disappointing thing that the presentation of dark skinned people (like me) is still such a problem on US (and Australian, to a lesser extent) soaps. And woe betide interracial relationships when a large chunk of the audience crushes on the white character.

It’s not even a thing in the U.K, and just an everyday part of shows and society. Or certainly not as contentious. 

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Liz, FTW!

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Hopefully, this is the end of her and Finn for good. This relationship never worked, just like the one Liz had before it and hopefully everyone finally realizes that. At this point, I wouldn’t mind her going back to Jason.

Great song! 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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I assume it's a combo of the show pushing Gregory/Alexis, NLG being older than Easton, the show actively liking to underuse Alexis and overuse Finn, and the fact GH rarely cares about chemistry in couples these days lol.  

I think the actual reason the show vaguely gave is that are both recovering addicts and it wouldn't be a great idea.

I agree I have recently noticed chemistry with them though.

I think she could have power of her story.  I just think LW rolls with the story and doesn't make big demands like some others do.  LW seems like a pretty laid back person that comes and does her job and goes home.  I THINK EK or FV would listen to her if she felt strongly about something.

Edited by carolineg
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Granted, I'm not a Jason/Liz fan, but I feel like their fans deserve a good, old-fashioned power ballad as payment for all those years they had to trust the plan, lol.

It wouldn't.  It would be like watching a dinner theatre production of "Days of Wine and Roses."  Or, in their case, "Days of Drugs and Neuroses."

Edited by Khan
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Interesting idea. I can see what you mean. Well, I know of one pairing she feels strongly about & she told a fan who is a friend of mine that it would not be happening, which could of course mean the show doesn't want it also. And, that would be a return to Sonny & Carly, again. I feel like a lot of people are over that, though! How many times have they already gotten back together? 3? Been there, done that. Can we move on?!! As it is she has to play friend/helper to him & for him. I know she & Finola, she & Steve, she & Jagger and she & Brennan enjoy scenes together. But, she is truly a team player. 

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In this case, however, it doesn't help to have an EP (such as Frank Valentini) who inadvertently reinforces their prejudices by dragging his feet for the longest time on promoting Spencer and Trina's relationship (when it's clear his preference is for lily-white Joss) and then stuffing Trina back into the background as soon as Spencer is killed off.  Call me crazy, but I think we'll see Trina recast at least two more times before that girl ever gets another love interest.

Edited by Khan
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GH OMG!!! NOOOO. My eyes. I can never unsee that. They inflicted a Fizzle Fazzle montage on us. Cruelty beyond measure. This day now goes down in GHInfamy!!! Why was I not warned?!! Have I no true friends?!!!

I guess it was the price we had to pay for Liz to finally be freeeeee! 

I totally hate Becky with helmet hair & knowing that it's because of continuity that we can't have her great curls makes me pretty crazy.

Why can't we have nice things? Because Frank likes to shoot way the hell out of order, worse than movies!! 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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