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ALL: Errors, Myths, Omissions & Firsts that weren't

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I have to go with some actor's mythical tales about fans.

1.  I don't believe anyone ever threw fruit at ATWT Eileen Fulton in a grocery store.

2. I don't think anyone ever asked OLTL Roger Howarth to rape them.

3. I don't believe anyone ever made a bet with their family for a steak dinner that was resolved by a letter to Soap Opera Digest.


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Another World

There was a myth that Irna offered the show to CBS & they had no room for it on the schedule & she was heartbroken. 

This is debunked in a document called The Creation of Another World. It is by Eddie Drueding with reporting by Lynn Liccardo & Elana Levine. It can be found on the Another World Home Page under Publications. 


According to it, actually in 1963 NBC approached P&G/PGP about getting Irna Phillips to create a new serial for them. Details & names of sources are in the document. 

The second most popular myth about AW is that it is a sister soap to ATWT

That it is not is covered in the document. Yes, both shows, including some others exist in an Irna Phillips universe but it does not make them sister soaps or spin-offs. 

Much more information about BTS about the show beginnings is included also in the document. 

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I don't believe so. 

In the Irna Phillips universe there were small cities clustered near each other. They were Oakdale, Illinois [ATWT], Flat Rock, Centerville, Somerset, [itself] Bedfordtown, Brookville, Ogden, Centerville, Bay City, Illinois, [AW] - Donna L. Bridges

They all represented the bedroom communities that surrounded Cincinnati, home of domestic product giant, Procter & Gamble. 

I'm not sure how much intent counts but it was not Irna Phillips intent that these be sister soaps. The same way her use of the "world"  motif was not meant to create sister soaps. 

Quoting from the document referenced upthread


That's AW. That may be the first contract role. Thanks. 

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Good question, You see them used in a sentence such as, "not a spin-off or a sister soap." Although you also see each term on its own, without the other being mentioned. 

I've both been talking to people about this & also trying to noodle with my own thoughts. I think it is a preponderance of different factors. Perhaps including: same fictional universe, same creator, same production company, same style (family or adventure or escapist or mystery or gothic), maybe same network ... and if they have a number of these factors then they add up to being sister soaps. 

Obviously this is (1) opinion and (2) a theory & definitely "in process" so I may say something different, say, on Tuesday! 

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So, for example that would make AMC & OLTL sister soaps but GH wouldn't be one with them. 

And, I need to do research about The Young Marrieds & GH. People say they are sister soaps which didn't make sense to me since it was off the air before it was even established that GH's locale was Port Charles, NY. So, it seemed like a write back to me that Robin & Patrick lived in a suburb which is where TYM was fictionally located. Some people say it does make sense even though they get what I meant so I need to do some reading in some episode descriptions. Just have to make the time. 

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
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Originally, I think calling ATWT, AW and Guiding Light "sister shows" just referenced them being created by Phillips. Maybe there was some implied cache about linking them in the viewers minds. After Phillips' firing, it became more about them being sponsored by P&G.

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