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General Hospital: November 2023 Discussion Thread

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I call KRAZE #2 Blaze, who usually does not write songs, wrote a love song where she's in love with someone she cannot tell!

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And, Hallelujah! No more Mr. Scruffy! Thank God Ned is back.

Unbelievable that Olivia created more obstacles to the truth coming out. But, I like the matriarch in her.


Edited by Donna L. Bridges
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I really liked Martin's advice to Nina to throw herself on the mercy of Carly and Willow.

I appreciate when characters can be an audience surrogate to get other characters to see alternatives.  I mean, he is correct that Michael wouldn't risk being exposed as a blackmailer to Willow, and Nina should use that to her advantage.  I far prefer that type of one-upmanship to punishing Nina for a minor issue.

Edited by j swift
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WHY Morgan Fairchild, why did you do that to yourself? Just watching episodes from earlier in the week and Morgan Fairchild can't even move her face. Not a good look for her and for GH. She can't even act anymore because her face doesn't move. Don't submit the Morgan Fairchild episodes for the Emmy next year, GH

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I know it is unfair to compare GH and DAYS because they are so dissimilar that they are almost different genres, but I was honestly shocked by today's cliffhanger in a way that DAYS often fails to surprise me.

Both shows use a liberal amount of foreshadowing.  I mean, Austin practically wore a "shoot me" sign on his back all week.  But, that camera shot from above was thrilling, and I will be hypothesizing about whom the shooter was all weekend. 

On the other hand, I don't know what to think of Curtis's advice to Trina.  I liked those scenes with Curtis, Trina, and Marshal, although I wish it was just one long scene, rather than cut up like it was.  But, I thought the message about priorities was objectionable.  Why does it matter who is the first text every morning?  These men should be teaching Trina about love using their own history, and giving her a male perspective.  The first text is a sign of infatuation, and that is not the same as affection (just ask Joss and Adam).

Edited by j swift
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Count me in as someone else who's hoping that this is the end for Austin. It's well past the time for this to happen.

Sorry to say it, but the scab writers really have been getting a lot of things right. This thinning of the herd is definitely one of them. I think the only thing they're getting a little wrong is Trina. I'm glad we're getting some Sprina conflict and I understand why Trina's angry, but at the same time, I feel like her anger came on too quickly. It should have happened more gradually. 

And yeah, STFU Joss! 

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Furthermore, it feels inauthentic that Spencer, as such a young man, would sacrifice so much for his baby half-brother.

And I can't believe we're going on a year since Esme acquired amnesia.  At this rate, Curtis is going to be able to dance again before Esme recalls her high school classmates.

Edited by j swift
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