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Y&R October 2023 Discussion Thread


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She’s definitely been the highlight for this week so far! This is so much better that her blink if you missed it return for the 50th earlier this year and I am hoping she stays around for a while. 


I’d be disappointed if it’s someone already on canvas. I’d love for her co-hort to be another family member i.e. Malcolm or Olivia. 

Definitely feel the same here. When Jill appeared at the end of Wednesday’s episode it definitely felt like a classic Y&R moment, a nice throwback to the days when a Y&R cliffhanger could end a simply be Jill showing up at Katherine’s, Jack walking into Victor’s office etc. 

Heather didn’t know Paul was her father for a good chunk of her life, she just knew Paul as a very close family friend. This was because Paul just wasn’t ready for marriage/fatherhood way back so Paul and April divorced. Later in the 90’s Paul played savior/hero to April and Heather from April’s abusive husband but the truth wasn’t revealed yet. Later in 2007 when Heather came back to Genoa City she reconnected with Paul but it wasn’t until 2008 when Heather finally learned Paul was her actual father. 

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My husband walked into the family room this morning while Y&R was on and said, "is all these people do all day is drink?"  I have to agree, between the drinking and everyone leaving their job at anytime during the work week when they decide to.  I've never had a job like that!

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You all were right. The start of Mamie's storyline has been really good. And those flashbacks of her various fights with Jill and the scene of Jill giving her money to get out of town...a scene I've heard of but never seen...THANK YOU, Y&R for going to the vault. Those flashbacks were made of GOLD.


We know I live for any time Y&R gets back to the Devon/Nate rivalry so their brief fight was good, too. So much gray with them. If only the writers would dive into it more. I was worried about Devon and Lily figuring out Mamie was the silent partner so quickly (though it led to that great scene of Devon vs Nate and Nate being the missing piece in the mystery....clever) but Mamie's phone call changed all that. WHO is HER partner? Hmmm...you betta get your own storyline, Mamie!!!


Still yummy JM, but yep...back to not working out hard.


I guess I'm in the minority. I liked HE's first scenes as Claire. I found it relatable actually. And it was so clear she was buttering them up, but that is what a newbie would be doing at a job interview I felt.


The plot thickens in the Abbott storyline. Lord, Billy...why you gotta get insecure again? Le sigh. But maybe they might do something different with that. What is Tucker's endgame? Sounds like Giggly Heffa was a decoy. 





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@Taoboi I was waiting for your thoughts on this week tbh

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I think Claire Grace works on paper but HE is a miscast IMO.  Erin’s contemporaries in AL, ZS, and CH each have such distinctive looks and vibes about themselves while HE felt liked a washed up has been. Actually when in that first scene she kind of looked like Hunter King to me. I guess we’ll see where character goes beyond 

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I actually found Friday’s Danny & Phyllis scenes interesting tbh. It was 20 years ago back in 2003 when Danny and Phyllis had a quiet yet major iconic confrontation in the GCAC when the encountered each other for the first time since 1998 (minus Phyllis being haunted by Danny’s memory when she was in jail in 2002) so for me that was a nice throwback moment. @YRfan23

Edited by soapfan770
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I am not up to date on this week's show (but really looking forward to it!), but I did find that episode in the vault, it's 11/24/2003. Thanks @soapfan770 those scenes were really good. Great acting from MS. I like how Danny was empathetic to Phyllis but held his boundaries. That dynamic between them still works and see it in her relationship with Daniel too. They both call her on her BS. and of course Phyllis was sobbing that she is a changed woman, as usual. 

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Michelle Stafford was on fire 20 years ago and everything she did i from her return in 2000 up through about 2004/2005 was absolutely on point so at the time it was easier to root for Phyllis. At the time Phyllis’ loyalty to Newman as an employer was in question not to mentioned Phyllis was legally Kyle’s mother at that point until Diane sued against Jack & Phyllis and then conveniently bailed Jabot out with her divorce money from Victor. Back when Y&R had good writing too. 

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