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Days of Our Lives: September 2023 Discussion Thread

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He’s not playing Phillip to me at all. I don’t feel any of the connections he’s supposed to have. But I also skipped most of his first run as Phillip. JKJ will always be Phillip to me.

Also Rafe made me laugh today because finally someone in Salem pointed out that people coming back from the dead in Salem isn’t all that uncommon.




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Exactly.  I think JPL is pulling off what he's going for with the role as I think this characterization is intentional.  He's just not playing Phillip.  It seems like JPL is going really hard for mentally unstable and remorse, but that's all the beats he's playing.  I honestly don't think JPL really gets Phillip at all.  In his first run it felt like he was playing a variation of Rex instead of Phillip IMO.  It honestly might be in the writing and direction as well because I don't think JPL is incapable.  He's just off doing his own thing.

Edited by carolineg
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I'm fine with JPL, too -- and I readily admit I did not like his last stint at all, which consisted of various methods of scenery-chewing. I think his work has been very good this time around.

And tbh, I don't know what "There's no connection to Phillip" means. I don't know what the guy is supposed to do to show that connection.

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Speaking of which...

I always forget that Phillip has a kid with Mimi.  Has he had any scenes with Bonnie, who saw the kid over the summer, to inquire about his well-being?  It's a little creepy if his son still believes that he's dead, that he is prioritizing Victor's funeral and getting ordained for a wedding at the pub over reuniting with his son.

Also, I get that Rafe is not bright, but how is he planning to arrest Ava in a foreign country?  This feels like the jurisdiction of Andrew and the ISA, rather than bringing half of the Salem PD to the UK, and leaving the policing duties back at home to drunk Shawn D. and that extra with the mustache.  

Edited by j swift
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Today was ehhh 

It seemed very random and all over the place. And since when is Nicole so content with the fact that EJ sent somebody to kill Ava? I figured she’d be upset about it. 

The Li/Trask stuff was random too. I would much rather have seen everything play out onscreen then just hearing them talk about it and then break up. 

I liked the Eric/Sloan scenes though. 

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Why did Paulina take a drink of Li's used martini?  Gross.  I don't think it's legal to just fire Trask because she doesn't like her.  Paulina didn't even try to make a work related excuse.  Great mayoring!

Weird that Marlena and Kate just popped up in a couple of scenes this episode.  It was strange they were only on for a few minutes.

This Edmund stuff is crazy.  He was just a nice, eccentric man.  I thought Susan was still married to that guy in Memphis as well.

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