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Days: August 2023 Discussion Thread

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Trask said it was because she prosecuted Lani. But, she also gave Chanel community service, so I think Paulina should not have beef with her.

Either way, it is totally in Melinda's mind, because Paulina has given no indication of firing anyone (including, Shawn).

This week feels like it was produced after a vacation break.  For example, EJ suddenly remembering his malice toward Ava, and Nicole new hair. Maybe they took a hiatus after John Aniston's death to plan the memorial episodes and negotiate the returning characters?

Edited by j swift
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Thanks!  I knew Melinda had a reason, but I could not remember what it was.  Honestly, Paulina's only agenda that we know of is opening the bakery.   Abe didn't fire her for prosecuting Lani so why would Paulina?  It's not like Melinda was wrong.  Lani did commit a crime.  And I agree with you.  Why would getting Li convicted help at all?  Paulina doesn't care about Li or Gabi and Stefan.

Roman really needs a better reason to hate Sloan outside of chowder.  Somedays I get really sad about what the character of Roman has become.  It actually is depressing.

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Maggie's reluctance to give her blessing to Rex for cheating on Sarah is hypocritical.  I'm surprised (hyperbole?) that Ron C didn't mention Maggie's prior relationship with Don, or Micky's many affairs, including Bonnie, with whom she now shares a mansion.  Maggie's whole preference for Xander over Rex is illogical, given that Rex has done very little to deserve her mistrust.

Also, it is such a soapy thing that Eric noticed Nicole's engagement ring.  I don't think that I've ever taken notice of a woman's change in jewelry, let alone during a trauma. I mean, Nicole's been married at least five times, so it's not uncommon for her to wear an engagement ring.

Finally, I hate to speak ill of the press (te-he), but if this is the last that we see of Rex as played by Kyle Lowder, I won't be disappointed.  His stiff recitation and blustery baritone voice makes him a perfect anchorman, and he should stick with that pursuit.


Edited by j swift
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You're not. I actually think he's better in the role.

-- "Nicole new hair" should go back to Nicole old hair.

-- The pregnancy belly on Sarah is so bad. DAYS can't even get that right. It might help a bit if they added a little to Linsey Godfrey's bust or didn't put her in outfits that make her look as flat as a pancake.

-- Too, too many lies on this show about pregnancies and who the baby daddy is. It's a tired soap cliche but on steroids. What it's done is make me angry with all the women who are lying.


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I like JG as Eric at least as much as GV.   Whoever on here said that GV's Eric was always morose is right.  Not that JG's Eric isn't sad and playing heavy material right now, but he seems like a happier Eric in life if that makes sense.

Nicole/AZ is just putting in horrible extensions.  I hope she just takes them out because they really make her hair look worse if that's possible. 

As far EJ/Ava, I just assume that once the show got Steve they re-hired TB for nostalgia or whatever and had to figure out a story for her.  I don't think the show really had any plans for Ava to come back this soon.  Just my theory, but I think Ava's ending was pretty final. 


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Hahahaha that was me. 

I like Greg's portrayal but seeing Jason's has been a nice change. Eric cracked a smile last week that actually looked genuine 

He did seem to be acting in a similar style to Greg in today's episode, for obvious reasons.

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