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Days: August 2023 Discussion Thread

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Unlike y'all I had no problem with that as it was just reciprocal sex. Dimitri doesn't know Leo like we know him & he has a stupid crush. We've all had stupid crushes in our time, haven't we?

Recently I ran into a few FB people who say they are fans of the show but they think that it should've gone off the air at NBC & never begun to stream & be left with its "dignity" whatever the heck that is supposed to mean about a soap! The other thing they think is that it is obscene to be intimating oral pleasure between sexual partners. One of them was a gay male with a partner & I asked him what in the world fans must have thought the gay couples were doing. He didn't reply instead going off on a rant about how badly the gay couples are written & I agree. So, people are actually clutching their pearls. And non-fans are calling themselves fans! 

Me, with last week being so good I am just more frustrated than ever with the inconsistency. If the show is good it's great. If the show is not good, it is appalling. When I had a whole week of medical tests, I got behind on viewing & I am having a hard time catching up because I have begun to dread watching the show. Uh-oh. 

We're having a remote. HA! A motel room with a hall. Leo is in Iceland. It's ridiculous. I don't even like Gwen but I hate what Leo is doing to his supposed bestie. 

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I had no problem with the reciprocal sex, or that it was clearly oral. Yes, we've all had crushes, but I just don't see how or why Dimitri is attracted to Leo, stupidly or not. The gay banter? Dimitri never reacts much to that. At least if you tell me it's because Leo is one horrific human being, I might accept that.

I just can't accept the idea that Gwen is this dumb, I can't accept all these close calls, I can't accept Dimitri putting his entire fortune in danger just to screw Leo. The whole thing is ridiculous.

Why marry Gwen in the first place? Why not hire a beard -- marry her and put her on salary to satisfy the will.

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Today was ehhhh, but it was still an improvement over the garbage we had to endure yesterday. 

I’m glad that we finally got some follow up with Eric and Sloan. I’ll never understand what dumbass would want or approve them not being in the episode that took place immediately after Sloan lost the baby, but whatevs 

Jason Gerhardt did well today but I expected that. I just wish that there would have been more in his scenes. More of him helping fans understand what he’s feeling right now, especially now that’s he’s lost another child. Maybe we’ll get that in upcoming episodes. Jessica Serfaty was ok lol, but I still enjoy Sloan  

I am a little intrigued by EJ trying to get back at Ava, but it all seems so sudden and random. This should have been the storyline from the very beginning, along with Tripp’s part in it. Tying EJ’s revenge to Johnny and Tripp and their rivalry, along with their relationships with Wendy, Chanel and Talia and also tying it to Nicole/Eric/Sloan and the baby could be so good. Having all their storylines come together under one big umbrella storyline gives every single one of them an added dynamic and could have repercussions on the entire canvas and I’d love to see that. 

And, I know I’ve said this before, but, shut up, Roman

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Fully agree about Eric/Sloan. Missed opportunity. Jason Gerhardt was much better than Jessica Serfaty, in my opinion. I don't think she brought anything to those scenes.

And mush mouth Roman is really hard to take. Part of it is that he talks to much, and part is that he talks at all.

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I'm still hoping that she improves at some point. The character of Sloan has so much potential. 

As for Roman, he really needs to get over this hatred of Sloan (or Schloan, as he called her today) It's annoying and there really is no reason for it. And yeah, he does start to mumble a lot more when he's supposed to be angry 

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Not much happened today, but I still thought it was a decent episode. Its clear that the momentum from last week has dropped off though.

I enjoyed the Eric/Nicole scenes and I really like how the actors play it. Even though they’re with different people, you can tell that they still are longing for each other. Hopefully, Ron borrows my ideas about what I think should happen for EJ/Nicole/Eric/Sloan and everybody

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I’m still not sure about Chloe though. She was smart enough to question who the father of Sarah’s baby is but not smart enough to realize that she’s jumping into a marriage with Xander? The show really needs to better establish what her deal is.  

Hopefully, the end of todays episode might lead to good conflict for all these characters in the future. 

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Let me get this straight, Melinda was willing to develop a relationship with Li, until she heard Paulina may be the replacement mayor, and she may want to fire her, so now she turned on Li, and is going hard to convict him, despite the fact that she's not shared a single scene with Paulina telling her that locking up Li will keep her from being fired?

I don't like it.  Don't people vote for the DA in Salem? Why is Li's trial taking five months and Colin was sent to prison a few weeks after he accidentally caused Abe's head injury.

Melinda was becoming a more layered character, and this feels like a regression.

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