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General Hospital: August 2023 Discussion Thread

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I like this twist of Nikolas' half-uncle Cyrus saving him for Laura, but I was hoping for an all new (or even old?) female mobster instead.  Is Sally Struthers' character dead?  Are Tonja Walker's characters alive somewhere?  I guess whoever Tracy is working with for the Deception story could be one of them because she's definitely not connected to this Cyrus story.

I didn't like Felicia propping up Stella at all.  I'd much rather Felicia stay a PI and do her mystery-solving work, instead.  I hope we end up with a serial killer working at GH and Felicia gets to be the one to figure it out!

The fashion, hair and make up team for GH is stepping up its game more consistently.  Jordan looked fabulous as usual, but Trina and Selina Wu looked stellar today, too.

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I'm honestly confused about the Cyrus stuff because his dialogue is so obtuse. 

Why hasn't he told Laura about Nikolas?  And does the timeline work out that Austin saved Nikolas (did he do that when he told Ava that he was stashing the body)?

Is Cyrus's whole conversion a con? 

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It's why I suspected Cyrus was involved: he targeted Ava before, and it's the only reason why Mason would have had Nikolas: his involvement. Sally Struthers' character, Jennifer Smith, is alive and has been portrayed by Holly Gagnier since 2015. And Olivia Jerome has been stated, via the show (recently even), that she is still in Pentonville. But I don't see Walker returning....

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Anyone who doesn’t agree with you is a “sockpuppet”.  Whatever, dude.  You are nobody.  

I am not a “sockpuppet”.  I’ve been here forever.  I just read more than post.

One, she is not a great recast.

Two, which couples don’t suck?  Because that’s all I see in the various places that I go to.  That all of the couples suck and don’t have any chemistry.  Which is true.

I don’t watch the show except for some episodes that are worthy.  I read recaps and if the episode is boring and/or full of characters I don’t care for, I delete without watching.  Why do I need to troll this board?  This place is not that important.

Edited by BreakingDownTheWalls
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Since you repeatedly say all the couples suck and that none of them have chemistry, it's fair to ask what you think chemistry is? What soap couples (on GH or elsewhere) have had chemistry in your eyes?


Do you listen to yourself? This place "is not that important" and yet you're here, complaining because someone insulted you. You also claim no couples have chemistry and follow that up with "I delete without watching" if the episode has characters you don't care for.

Since you think NONE of the couples has chemistry, that means you must delete just about every episode. Make it make sense.

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Shout out to Shawn Reeves, Costume Designer!

If they could've gotten her back to the studio or even if they could've had a crew shoot her at home & edit her in, they would've done so for GH60. They had plans & contingencies & every time they had something set up, some event would happen & prevent it. Er, some event did happen & prevent it. Specifically for GH60 it was a fall & she bruised her face so it couldn't be hidden. 

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Well, I'll take shirtless Dante (and Dante/Sonny scenes) anyway I can get them, but lord has playing catch-up on this show been a bore. 


RIP Anna's house. I hope it doesn't mean FH's going anywhere.


It has been nice to finally seem storylines I was interested in starting to surface. Which for me was...


LAURA'S HUNT FOR NIKOLAS. Perhaps it's because I have no idea where that storyline is going to go. I mean...are we getting another Nik recast or...?? I was just glad to see Laura. Not only that, but see her AND Kevin on a misadventure.


ANNA AND THE ???. I haven't at all liked any of the story about Anna's CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER Black Widow secrets reveal storyline. Or just Anna being...unAnna like. But slowwwwly, the story of someone trying to take her out has gotten intriguing for me. And now she done lost the house. I do wonder if it is a past person or one of Valentin's secrets. Or the mob boss after Sonny.


LOVE IN THE AFTERNOON. I've been liking the happy couples. And have not been bored with them. Kevin with Laura on an adventure. BLQ/Chase and the pool. What little of Sprina we been getting. Ned...I mean Eddie...having that moment with Olivia. The aforementioned Dante/Sam scene. It...has been nice.

Tracy is still LOVE.


And I can't understand why we are getting a Maxie BEBE'S KIDS storyline.




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I think that the version of Nikolas that Marcus Columna played was an impostor. Laura and Kevin will find the real Nikolas in Europe and bring him back to Port Charles. Impostor Nikolas will be rescued from Mason but then shown to be an impostor. The return of the real Nikolas will give Nikolas and Spencer a fresh start. Ava's marriage to the impostor Nikolas will be shown to have been a fraud, so the divorce settlement that gave her WIndamere will be thrown out. The Cassadines will possess Windamere again. Ace will be given a DNA test and will be revealed to be Spencer's son.

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Friday's lackluster cliffhanger had me questioning recent preemptions.  Because, I don't know how it works anymore with broadcast and streaming. 

Is GH off by a couple of days, so we are seeing an episode that was originally planned for a Wednesday? 

Or, do the pre-empted episodes play on Hulu, so they stay on track and this was just a dull Friday?

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Frank should bring back the fab writing duo with Jean and Shelly. They understood the history andwrite fabulous umbrellas storylines. They could kickstart and upboot the show. I loved their writing era. It was one of the longest in gh history which shows u how mjch they did awesomeness for the show. We would be so lucky to have them spinning and weaving new tales for us. they have pioneer daytime dramas

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